This perfect after school checklist will give your routine a template to make each day a little more organized (thereby making the morning routine easier too!).

Hello. My name is Hilary and I am the mother of a new Kindergartener. She is adorable, but we have Kindergarten ALL day and when she comes home you’d think she’s run a marathon, and she’s now Cleopatra. If I knew how to peel grapes,and was willing to cut a palm frond off — you can guess what I’d be doing for her after school snack.
2020 ETA: She’s now in 5th grade and I couldn’t be happier that creating this checklist has been a great tool to help her be a little bit more organized during the school year. Emphasis on “a little bit”. 🙂
Suffice it to say that her brother (in 5th grade) isn’t much better. They walk in the door and literally EXPLODE with school-ness. I’m left asking, and asking, and asking. Will you PLEASE put your things away? Until today. Enter my After School Checklist. I see lamination in its future {ps, I LOVE this laminator}
Before we get into the checklist — if After School Routines are something you struggle with (because I do, and it is something I have REALLY worked on) — I have a whole section on what to do after school in Family Routines. You can join for just a month or a whole year, you can cancel at any time! The price is great, and I guarantee you’ll like it!
After School Routine Checklist
This isn’t brain surgery people. It’s just a mom wanting her kids to not leave a trail of items everywhere they walk once they enter the front door. So, I left it editable in case you have different needs.
By getting into an organized routine of doing these things, your kids (and thereby, you) will have a smoother afternoon after a long school day!)
Things to do after school:
Put Backpack Away — Having a designated spot for your child’s book bag helps a LOT! Bonus points if it’s on the floor they enter the house (I just find that is more doable for my kids) — but we still use our rooms. Go the extra mile kids!
Put Away Jacket/Coat — It is just SUCH a great habit to get into, put things where they go — touch them once!
Get out homework folder/give adults important papers — I hate the morning “can you sign this” routine — so much eaiser to look over documents in the evening! I have an inbox on my desk where I have the kids put things.
Put away lunchbox — once again, touch things once. Just make sure you have a spot for their lunch bag to go. That’s your part. 🙂
Do Homework — Remember, homework is their job. Be sure to have a spot in the kitchen/office/desk for them to do it!
Get Homework checked — if you do this (I don’t — I glance, but I don’t check each problem). I am not the teacher.
Put school clothes away — if you do this, my kids don’t put on play clothes (but I can see that as being important if your school uses uniforms) — btw, I have a post on how many clothes kids need to have.
Get a healthy snack — My kids are always STARVING when they get home, so be sure to put this where it makes sense for your family!
Make lunch ready for tomorrow — Honestly, I can’t imagine this happening, but having their lunch box ready for the next day would be great!
Of course, kids should then move on to other chores, practicing instruments, etc. All of that is editable in the checklist template!
Want to know more about some routines:
- Signs You’re Parenting Out of Fear
- School Essentials Checklist for Mom
- Organize Your Life One Week at a Time
- Getting Your Family to Help Out More
- Summer Activities for Kids
A reminder for perfect moms:
Note: Your child is NOT going to do this perfectly every day, especially if it’s a new routine. The idea is to get them into a routine where they are mostly doing these things. I don’t do my life perfectly every time, but I try. Hopefully our kids are trying too. 🙂
This printable checklist is a great way to help them remember all the things they have to do, and teach them responsibility. It’s just creating, simple good habits. 🙂
Editable After School Checklist
It’s nothing fancy. Having clear expectations was most important to me. I don’t need her being caught up in how cute it is, although I may let her color it before I laminate it. Easy, peasy, lemon-squeezy. {pfft, as if it was that easy}
What are your best tips for a smoother afternoon transition? I could REALLY use them about now! Also, if you’re looking for some help with just the after-school basics, be sure to check out my Children’s Tasks checklist!
What does our after school routine chart look like?
Honestly, the schedule really dictates the schedule.
I usually allow for 1/2 hour for snacks and unpacking the lunch/backpack. But after that, it’s off to clean up her room, get her jobs done, get on homework.
And then, it’s free time. I really try not to deliniate too much what they have to do WHEN because sometimes they just need some cooling off (literally here — it’s still like 106 in the afternoons in September).
Q: Do you print off an afterschool routine for each day?
A: I actually laminate mine and have my kids use a dry erase marker. It’s a simple way to get the most use out of it.
Q: Do you tie screen time to finishing the chore chart?
A: There is “free” time and they can use that however they wish.
Don’t miss my Children’s Daily Task Checklist which you might find really handy as well!
Interested in more after school posts? Don’t miss my after school cookies post to cheer your kids on to finish their checklist, and don’t miss my before school routine:
If you liked this post, join my practical parenting series — that gives you some actionable ideas for easier parenting.
Renae says
That is brilliant.
Hilary says
Haha… 🙂 I love you.
Irene says
Thank you! Your first 3 categories are almost exactly what I’m asking D to do. I simply need to show this to him so he gets it (I hope) that I am not the only “mean mom” on the planet who expects him to do his jobs, homework, and reading before he plays. He’ll benefit from all the sections with checkmarks for things to do. 🙂 I do not ask them to clean up anything, though, until right before or after dinner. Our lunchbox lesson today: if you open something then you must either eat it, or completely close it and return it to your lunchbox, or throw it away. There was chocolate pudding all over inside his lunchbox today. oops.
Hilary says
Oh MAN, I’ve done the pudding in the lunchbox thing {Mom, I was gonna eat it later!}… kids are insane. 🙂
Jennifer says
When my oldest now 16 started kindergarten we had an issue with what you note above (I refer to it as the trail of destruction) & also with prep for the next day. My pediatric doc is AWESOME & at her next check up he looked her in the eye & said “I am your doctor so we give you directions sometimes to keep you healthy. (Daughter nods thoughtfully) & he said she had to have her 3 things done every night: 1. Book bag packed, letters signed etc. & by her door 2. Outfit picked out the night before including socks & shoes. (No changes! It’s a done deal). 3. Breakfast choice made & on whiteboard (or sticky note) & also note anything you want for snack or lunch.
So she’s in high school & for the most part we still do this. Anytime it doesn’t happen invariably there is disorder & delay in the mornings. Having our doc tell her gave it more weight too.
Now we were also battling with attention issues too, but this type of organization & clear expectations really helped.
Maybe it can help y’all too. Sounds simple but seriously it makes a world if difference
Hilary says
A great pediatrician is worth their weight in gold. What a GREAT idea, and how nice of them to say that for you!
Michelle G says
I love it! I do his too but I have 3 of them. One in their room before they come down in the morning, One by the front door so there aren’t any forgotten things and one like this by their hooks. I’ m so glad I’m not the only one 🙂
Hilary says
You are certainly not alone. 😀
Ilanit says
I LOVE this!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for making this free & editable!!!!
Hilary says
You’re welcome!
Victoria says
I honestly thought I was doing something wrong because I have tried to do so many things to get my kids to take care of their responsibilities on their own without my having to nag them. It’s exhausting to repeat the same things over and over. I am definitely going to use this because I have a feeling that this is going to work far better than anything I’ve tried. I seriously sat down after nagging all morning and feeling completely defeated! Thank you so much!
Hilary says
Yeah, this nag-monster hears you there! 🙂 I hope it helps!
Coleen M says
This is SO simple, yet so AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT! If you were here, I would HUG you! Thank you for making this changeable and usable. I am printing it out right now, so it’s ready for my little sweeties’ arrival! Can’t wait to see it in action…. Have a great day!
Hilary says
Hug received, I hope it ended up being that helpful. 🙂
chris says
You are a genius. Why didn’t I think of this instead of repeating myself incessantly? Thank you! Printing and posting on a wall today!
Hilary says
I’m a genius. I know. 😉
Angela says
Holy cow, this is EXACTLY what I/my daughter needs!!! I don’t know why I never thought of doing this. Brilliant.
Hilary says
Haha, hope it helps!
Grace Gentile says
I love after school checklists
Hilary Erickson says
Me too. 🙂