It has been a rough week for me. I started the week with an “I am over it” type attitude. Sadly, that didn’t continue into the rest of the week. It’s hard for me to articulate how we can feel so good about our future, even though every indicator seems to point otherwise.
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I find myself wanting to do these updates daily, because they are cathartic, and it’s nice to put my feelings down where I can read them later on.
In case you’re new to my blog — my husband resigned from his teaching job for many reasons (which I hope to get into at some point). This is effective in less than 2 weeks. He has decided to take the collegiate route and has applied many places with, currently, no interviews.
So, that is where are at. He has applied for almost 2 months at this point. He has had a few email replies that they are still reviewing things and his application is still in there.
And my insides want to curl up into a ball and stay that way.
He has applied a lot of places and I SO desperately need a bit of validation that this is the right course for our family. The thing is, I do feel that validation when I pray. Sundays are such a day of renewal for me.
I have a secret.
Let me take you back to last December. I dreaded church. I really felt like there was an unseen source pushing me away from church, but I also felt a VERY strong pull towards church from my ancestors. That sounds stupid as I say it. Each Sunday morning, when considering going to church from about November though January/February I just didn’t want to go. I would literally consider what would happen if I didn’t go. I would drag myself to church. Quite basically because that is what we always do. I wasn’t to the point where I was ready to stop going. I just hated being there. BUT, each time I would go there would be a weird nudge from people who have passed on. Be it a song we sung or the way I felt. Again, this sounds very wee-gie board and awkward to type, but I felt as though I should share it. Because right now church is the ONLY thing pulling me through. I feel a warm blanket placed on my shoulders when I’ve been trapped in an avalanche all week.
And I wonder what was pulling me away from the church before. I know Joseph Smith had a horrible sensation before he had the first vision. I very much believe that Satan is real, and he can mess with us in ways we aren’t aware of. He also knows some of the future and can push hard at a crossroads. I believe all that, and now — in retrospect, I think he was doing that to me.
It was my manger, one day, that really pulled me out of my slump. I’ll be forever grateful for what she said. She basically just said “stop it” — and that touched a chord in me, and I did. I’ve enjoyed church since then. I’m so glad I’m able to. Again, because it is my “resting pose” as they call it in yoga.
Anyway, it’s been a hard week. My faith only really carries me through Monday and then I feel like my canteen is empty and I am coasting on fumes the rest of the week. By the time I get to Friday sometimes I just can’t do it anymore. I just put on Netflix because being productive is the least of my desires.
I feel SO strongly that there is something good out there for us. We have attended the temple, when we are at church and when I BEG God to give me something. He does. It’s that feeling that things are going to work out.
My ❤️ hotels for your Disneyland trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
It’s learning that THAT is enough that is hard on me. The faith in the feeling is hard.
But, the feeling is VERY strong, and consistant. Whenver I ask.
And I can’t tell you how meaningful it is to talk to friends who get it, who really feel like something good is out there for us. People who understand “gut” feelings (be they religious or not) are my true friends right now. I really appreciate them. I really can’t articulate it any more how much I appreciate it.
I can’t take the friends who want to give me a reality check. Not ONE friend has any firmer grip on the reality of this situation more than me. I can guarantee that. I grew up in a college household, I know what it takes to get a college job and the politics and all that jazz. I know Drew doesn’t have a doctorate. All I know is we were lead here for a reason, and I am insanely hopeful there is another step in this wonderful journey we have been able to call our life.
Today was the Kindergarten Mother’s day tea. I tried so hard to stay in the moment, and realize it’s my last kindergartener forever. She said she loves me because I am “so friendly”. She also said I am 50 years old. I love that sweet girl, most of the time.
I also asked for “Dress Your Truth” for Mother’s Day. I got it a little early. I’ve enjoyed not having to think about this and instead thinking about myself and enhancing who I really am. Can you guess what type I am? Hint: It’s probably the type who deals the least well with uncertainty. Yay for me!
I am working on being present and loving my life. Not looking at the future as much as my mind wants to. I am working on capturing the feeling I get when I talk with God. I know He is out there, he loves me and he has a plan for me. It will come.
If you’re interested in more of our job loss journey — check these posts out!
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Lynness says
The uncertainty and not being able to “see the end from the beginning” (from a Conference talk a few years ago) is what gets me too. I have some military friends who never know where they’re going to be next, right up until a month or two before they have to go there. That would drive me absolutely nuts! Maybe you could consider Williamsburg,VA with that 1 year post at William and Mary and rent out your AZ house and rent here while you rack up a year of college-level teaching experience and see if it turns into something more or send out applications with less of countdown to unemployment feel…
I’m glad your ancestors are pushing you in the right direction. You’ve got something to do, you just have to stick with it long enough to figure out what it is!
Hilary says
I have mulled over doing that, but it doesn’t really make sense. My son is in high school. A short term move like that would be so hard on him, and I already have a great job here that could provide for us. I will continue to mull it over…. 🙂
Keri says
So…you’re telling me these kinds of decisions never get easier huh? God doesn’t start to show me the future? I was hoping maybe somewhere down the line He’d start doing that…
But really, I totally know what you’re talking about. Although I imagine you feel it more with three kids in tow than I do with 0 kids in tow. I’ll be sure to call you when I get there! But I know you’ll make it through. He really does have such a better plan for us than we do (or at least than I do).
Hilary says
Nope, no angels come at 30. Maybe when you’re 40, although Drew is 40…. maybe he’s lying to me. Either way I’m completely int he dark with a happy feeling things will turn out alright. The hope that we can be neighbors is what keeps me going. Hang in there. This is hard kids or no kids. 🙂
M says
Hi Hilary,
Glad to read your update. Glad you are in a more confident place holding on to what God
graciously gives as you ask him. I have been praying for you and your family. Hang on
to the gut feeling of blessings that you feel so confident of. God helps me in that way
also and for me it is always a lifesaver. I remind myself of what He has told me when my
thoughts go to all the scary places.. (No updates on my end). Blessings M
Hilary says
M — I have recently tried to really just give up on any timeline I had in my head. God will figure out when is best and what is best. It’s hard, but I am trying. Good luck to you as well!