Hilary Erickson is the creator behind Pulling Curls. She has been a nurse since 1997 and has worked in varied areas also including hospice, geriatrics, pediatrics and most recently over 20 years in labor and delivery / prenatal education. She has written Pulling Curls since 2005, which includes thousands of articles on Pregnancy, Parenting & Home/Life Organization. She is also the creator of The Pregnancy Nurse where her more evidence-based pregnancy articles live. She and her family (3 kids, one husband) live in the Phoenix area now.
Online content creation coaching available. Email Hilary for more information. Packages start at $350 at this time.
Did you ever sit behind the girl with the curly hair?
All you wanted to do was pull a curl… and then watch it “boing” back up to where it was.
Imagine living with that. Day in, and day out. That’s me.
My curls have always been what made me different.
Here I am, probably about 3.
Am I the only one who has a thing for white tights and Mary Janes. Oh man, they get me EVERY time.
But, back to the hair. See that halo of curls? They always told me once I had kids they’d disappear, but they didn’t. I think they’re with me for life.

Pulling Curls is a blog about my busy life.
You can learn more about me & the blog on my Podcast:
I’m a Nurse.
I went to nursing school. I worked in several areas (pediatrics, geriatrics and hospice) before settling into labor and delivery. I have been a nurse since 1997.

It’s a dream to share in such a special time, and know that there are SO many wonderful families out there.
Sometimes I answer health questions…. I also have my very own online prenatal class. Some people call me the pregnancy nurse
I’m a Mom
Being a mom is awfully wonderful, isn’t it? It’s mostly wonderful, but I’m never one to say that it isn’t awful. There are times I want to scream and pull my hair out (also another reason why this is called pulling curls)
I had a really tough adjustment to being a mom.
It doesn’t come easily to me to give my will to little people, but I’m working on it. I’ll share MomHacks with you along the way. We all need a hand in mothering (including me!). I’m a mom to 3 and a wife to one since 1997. My husbad Drew Erickson co-runs the blog with me and is my podcast editor.
We really enjoy traveling together and my section on family travel is VERY popular because I research stuff a lot and I am very clear that family travel isn’t a vacation… if you know what I mean. 😉
I am also the creator of Family Routines that will help you get yourself together in your everyday tasks. Tens of thousands of people read the book Family Systems, and this is an extension of that book!
I’m Organized.
To a fault. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a blessing and a curse but my life is VERY organized. Sometimes I share little tidbits of the ways that helps our family. Sometimes I even share the ways it drives my family insane.
I even have a course, all about home organization!
I’m a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
I live it, I love it and I do live it because it has made me the happiest of anything else.
Not because I love everything about it. However, I love Jesus Christ. He has saved me on days when no one else could.
I love helping other people and I love the example He set. It really boils down to loving other people and just trying to be a little better every day.
I learn a lot at church and I am always trying to be better. It’s not about perfection, it’s about trying.
Have questions — this one might answer the ones I get most often. 🙂
I’m real.
That’s what you’ll find here. I’m real.
Being a nurse is hard, being a mom is hard, I’m organized to a fault, being a member of the church isn’t always easy and I’m not afraid to say it. I hope you think that’s OK. I do. This isn’t about a fantasy land where you don’t mull ways to run away from your life. I do. But, I DO think that by sharing our REAL lives we can help each other.
Where can you find me?
My best readers are all on my email list. Join the tens of thousands of women who have found an easier life with Pulling Curls!
I have three courses:
Family Routines is about organizing the people in your life to help you run it efficiently.
The Organized Home: the course for families who need life a little easier and organized.
The Online Prenatal Class for Couples: THE course that hundreds trust to get them prepared, and fast!
You can also find me on social media:
- Pinterest — Pulling Curls
- Instagram — @pulling_curls
- Facebook — The Organized Mom
- Facebook — The Pregnancy Nurse
- YouTube – Pulling Curls
- Twitter – @PullingCurls
Here’s 10 Curly Facts about Hilary
1. I love to cook, but sometimes making dinner makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and suck my thumb (I’m huge on meal planning ~ partially because it saves my bacon every day at 5 pm and partially because I LOVE looking at recipes and imagining how good the food tastes!)
2. We lived in the Bay Area of California for 10 years, I loved it so much. Leaving there was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
3. I grew-up in Utah and went to school down the road. I actually moved to the dorms, but could walk home if necessary. True cougar blue.
4. We find scorpions in our house. I have no idea how I’m still alive after typing that. EW.
5. I loved Downton Abby even thought I REALLY thought I’d hate it. Oh man do I love it. I am SO sad it’s over. 🙁 But, my favorite is Call the Midwife. I’m a BBC buff.
6. I am a yeller. Just ask my mom.
7. I lost about 40 pounds at one point and I have recently gained it all back. #trying
8. I have to work on my marriage every day. Being married isn’t something that comes natural to me either. I like it. I just have to work at it. I love this post on endless amounts of love.
9. I love my husband. He left his job in the spring of 2015 and we are home together most every day. It has its own challenges, but we are a great team.
10. I blog full time. It’s our job and we do it as a family. My 13 year old son is my video editor (and yes, he does edit my pregnancy videos — of his own will), another one sometimes does social media. All posts are written by me (except for a handleful that I made exceptions for). I love this blog. It’s all me. Yes, I still work as a nurse, but I consider blogging & course creation my main job.
Wondering why it’s called Pulling Curls? Read more here.
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Long Bio:
Hilary Erickson is the curly head behind Pulling Curls® — which she started in 2005. Hilary has been a nurse since 1997 working in various fields such as pediatrics, geriatrics, and hospice. In 2001 she started in labor and delivery and remained working as a labor nurse for 20 years. Through the years, Hilary realized she could combine her nursing career and her website and began writing more about health and pregnancy along with helping families simplify their lives.
In 2015 she launched The Online Prenatal Class for Couples — one of the best selling birth classes which finally allowed couples to fit high quality prenatal education into their busy lives. Soon after that she “birthed” The Organized Home — which simplifies organizing for families. Shortly after came Family Routines, which helps organize the people in families, to allow moms to focus on their own priorities.
In 2019 she launched The Pulling Curls Podcast: Pregnancy & Parenting Untangled which gave her a new voice in helping families untangle the snarls in their day. In 2020, Hilary launched The Pregnancy Nurse ™ website. It gives families real, reliable information on the questions they want answers to most from bump to bassinet.
Hilary lives in the Phoenix area with her husband and 3 children (some of whom are adults now). She still works on simplifying her own life daily and finds no greater joy than helping families feel more confident in both the delivery room and their own homes.
Short Bio:
Hilary Erickson is the curly head behind the content creation brands Pulling Curls® and The Pregnancy Nurse®. Hilary teaches families how to simplify the labor room, their homes, and their families through online courses, podcasts, writing, video, and other content. Hilary has been a nurse since 1997 and has 20 years of labor and delivery experience. Pulling Curls was started in 2005 and Hilary is consistently found to be an honest thought leader in the “blogging” community. She lives in the Phoenix area with her husband and 3 children (some of whom are adults now).
Hilary Has Been Featured…
The Side Hustle School Podcast: https://sidehustleschool.com/episode/1844/
Niche Persuits: https://www.nichepursuits.com/hilary-erickson/
Step by Step Business: https://stepbystepbusiness.com/how-hilary-erickson-merged-nursing-with-blogging/
Still a Part of Us Podcast: https://stillapartofus.com/11-advice-hilary-erickson-pulling-curls-ld-nurse/
No Guilt Mom Podcast: https://www.noguiltmom.com/3-easy-ways-to-get-organized-at-home/
Labor Nurse Mama Podcast: https://labornursemama.com/captivate-podcast/pulling-curls/