Motherhood can be so isolating. It can feel like yours it the only teen with eye-ball rolling syndrome or that you, quite likely, the WORST mom ever to step foot on the planet. You don’t get to look down to isle 9 and realize that your shelves look just as good as theirs.
I think that that tendency for most women is to fear theirs is a LOT worse than the everyone else’s. Booo….
I just went on my first girls trip. I had been places for a wedding or to buy a house, or interview for a job. But I had never met friends at at destination and just lived. the. dream.
And that’s what we did. BUT it can be really difficult. Thats why – as I sat in the airport on my way home I mulled over how to create a great girls trip:
- Be honest about the finances. You need to be clear about how you’re going to split it up. I hear horror stories of people who later said they didn’t know they would have to foot part of the food bill or hotel bill. (?) Also, Be honest about YOUR finances. If you can go to a hotel and out to eat a few times, but not to a show, don’t let you pride get in the way to prevent you from going at all. It’s MUCH better to say “I don’t think I can do a show this time.” then to not say anything.
- Find a weekend that works. For us, someone had a free weekend and just texted us. It was far enough in advance we were all free. Woot-woot. Someone has to be brave and start the fire {thank you Angi}.
- Find the friends you want to be with. Right now, sit down and think of 5 friends who you miss or just want some time with to talk over life. Those are the people you should go with. It makes ZERO sense to go with people that you don’t adore 100%. Don’t waste your time or money that way. You won’t end-up as refreshed to do battle with motherhood. 🙂
- Be honest with your husband and make sure you have his support. You don’t want to go and then have guilt trip ladled on you from the home front. You want to go and enjoy yourself! Otherwise, not worth it. If your husband isn’t up for it. Ask if it’s the timing or what’s making it hard for them to back you. And if it’s just the fact that they don’t want to watch the kids. I’d be letting them have more and more quality time alone with the kids until they’re ready for that responsibility. 🙂
- What’s a good timeframe? For us, we did 2 nights (almost exactly 48 hours). It was expensive enough to do 2 nights, and I felt like we got plenty of time. I was ready to get home and back to responsibility. I could’ve done 3 nights but honestly, that would be plenty. I start to miss the kiddos. That may just be me, but 2 nights was great this first time.
- Travel. We all got in and left at about the same time. That made it so nice that no one was left alone at the hotel or at the airport for hours on end. I’d totally recommend comparing flight times and trying to make it work.
- There’s plenty to do for free. We didn’t need a show or expensive meals. People watching and just talking was probably my favorite. We even did a little mall time and that was super fun too. Plus, when you have a carryon to limit yourself, you don’t end-up buying as much. 🙂 But, don’t get me wrong, I LOVED our Cirque show!
- You don’t have to fly. I would LOVE to do a girls trip with the ladies that live right around me right now. We could all drive somewhere and enjoy time together.
- You don’t have to stay overnight. If the idea of an overnight girls trip is just too much for either yourself or your husband, I recommend doing a day trip. I have gone with friends up to Socttsdale just to enjoy a weekend alone together. Then, we come back home that evening refreshed and invigorated to start the week on the top of our game.
- Keep whining to a minimum. This isn’t a time to bash your husbands or your kids. It IS the time to really brainstorm solutions to problems that are keeping you awake at night. It’s so nice to get ideas from friends who haven’t seen your kids in ages, about how they would handle a problem.
Bonus tip: Someone just has to be the first to jump. Plan your flight, book your hotel, get tickets.
Sidenote: I always check TripAdvisor when I’m planning a vacation – their reviews always guide us in making a great choice!
So, there are my 10 tips to plan an Awesome girls trip.
Here’s a little bit about my own Girls Getaway
We went to Vegas. I know, Mormon girls go wild.
No, we don’t gamble and we don’t drink. But we love to people watch and eat. Win win in Vegas. Plus, we didn’t want to have to get a car and there’s plenty to walk and enjoy in Vegas.
I flew, and I didn’t need a Xanax (ok, I didn’t HAVE a xanax, I probably needed one).
We stayed on the strip and enjoyed being able to walk everywhere we wanted to go!

Love spending time at the Bellagio (there’s a little tram that will take you from the Monte Carlo — our hotel — to the Bellagio).
We ate at the Wicked Spoon (in the Cosmopolitan) SO YUMMY
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We rode the high roller wheel. I was seriously concerned that I’d have some REAL problems with how high it goes, but I didn’t (full disclosure: I was given free tickets to this as a blogger). It was SO cool to see Vegas from that high!

We did some SERIOUS people watching & shopped at the mall.
We saw the Michael Jackson One Show
A photo posted by Pulling Curls Blog (@pulling_curls) on
We left.
We cried.
I’ve never felt more ready to take on motherhood than when I came home. My husband was so great to not give me an ounce of pressure for leaving for a few days.
I’m already planning my next one. 🙂 Who wants to come?
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