Sometimes, I want to kill my husband. Due to laws in the United States (and the possibility of life imprisonment), that can not happen. These are 5 ways how not to kill your husband
All you need is love. It’s a Beatles song, it has to be true — right?
Lies. Love surely isn’t all you need. I loved my husband with my whole heart when we got married. I love my kids with my whole heart!…

If you are feeling the stress of the times — it is NORMAL to have negative feelings towards your partner. I find that simplifying priorities is the key — and I really do that in my course Family Routines:
But there are times when I consider if there are ways I could kill them without going to jail. I’m just too cute for jail and attempted murder isn’t cute. I’m not saying that I really want to kill them (domestic violence is no joke), but I’m just tired. I’m tired of being a support and a helper, and… well, did I mention I’m tired? I’ve been tired for a long time.
Sometimes marriage can be SO rough, even if you’re married to your best friend. This has been an especially rough time for our family and I’m really proud of the fact that we’re sticking with things and haven’t lost our minds yet. At least not entirely. 🙂
My husband and myself actually did a podcast on ways we’re connecting when we can’t go out (recorded during Covid) — but maybe something will ring true to you:
How to NOT kill your husband
So, to start this month of love out, I’d love to share 5 Way to Not Kill Your Husband. You’ll have to email me to find out the ways TO kill them. I’m a nurse. We have our ways. 😉 {evil witch laugh}
Get away from him
I’m not talking about a legal separation here, you don’t need THAT much space. I’m talking about a day with the girls, an evening with the girls even just something you do ALONE. My husband and I are both home full time right now. It’s kind of ridiculous. I went from NEVER seeing him to being able to call his name at any time.
Let’s just say it’s taken some getting used to (and we even have an office with a door he can go to). I have a great post on how to plan a girls trip that you might find interesting (it was overwhelming to plan, but SO worth it!). Or, do a getaway with them! That always helps! Looking for the best hotel at the best price — don’t forget Trip Advisor! Pick a city you want to visit and see if there’s any awesome deals RIGHT NOW. 🙂
If you are really THAT angry, perhaps a night at a hotel will help you relax and think about your personal priorities….
Make a list of things you love about them to not kill your husband
There are days you might have to reach pretty deep to find these things. Being married doesn’t mean that you love everything about this person. It means you try to. So, start making the list.
My husband is the calm to my storm. I always try to remember that. Maybe get a cute notebook — like this one — that you could start to fill with all those loving thoughts.
But I also want to say that his calm deliberate life often drives me INSANE. I want action and he’s a thinker before he acts. So, I get it. 😉
Put on headphones to not kill your husband
This is my new one. Sometimes I just bang out to some music to forget about my life, my husband and my kids. I have a few select songs I love REALLY loud, and somehow this takes some of my negative energy and processes it for me in minutes. I love a good Bluetooth pair. So next time, just pop in your headphones and rock out for a little bit.
Set up date nights to not kill your husband
We have NOT been good at date nights lately. Probably because we are both home all the time. BUT, that doesn’t mean we don’t need a little chips and salsa every now and then.
We love going to Alamo Cinemas (a gift card is also a nice gift to give each other) — as it’s always fun to laugh together and enjoy some tasty food!
Also, be sure to check that podcast out. Lots of good ideas (many of which are very cheap). The Gottman’s book on Eight Dates has been really transformative for us (and REALLY cheap compared to therapy). We actually read it on Scribd (and I can get you a few months free).
🌸 Spring Sale – Free Gift with Bosch Mixer Purchase!
Buy a Bosch Universal Mixer (in white or Stainless Steel) and get a FREE 3-Piece Glass Vacuum Container Set (no code needed).
Want just the containers? — use code SPRING25 to get them 25% off!
There have also been some re-stocks of fan favorites: See them here!
See other people to not kill your husband
I’m not talking about THAT kind of seeing other people. I’m talking about going out with friends and seeing your husband in a relaxed social situation vs your tense home life. It can help you see them in the way you saw them when you were dating and get you back in a better place. {twooo-wove}
I remember when we were first married. I went to a church that was all newlyweds. Everyone loved their husband SO much. They talked about how perfect they, and their love was.
I figured I was married to a monster, until I just started asking a few friends if their marriage was that perfect. I mainly got a lot of eye rolls…. The reality is that marriage can be really tough.
Ok, let’s talk about the people searching for this:
I want to kill my husband.
Yup, we’ve all been there. A few things to think about:
- We’ve all been there. Don’t feel alone — like everyone else’s marriage is perfect. We are all struggling!
- It’s not always like this. There are always low parts, high parts, and lots of plot twists. Just remember that.
- It’s not worth it. If they are really taking so much effort that you want them dead, don’t give them the rest of your life in jail too. Get help, and move on.
Pregnant and Want to Kill My Husband
First thing, SO normal.
Your role is SO much more painful, and daily than his.
I would recommend getting him involved.

A lot of time, men just need an action to take (vs having a talk or feeling feelings) — and that course will help them do that! I also have a full post on being a supportive husband during pregnancy you could send them.
I would also take a minute to be in his shoes. Having no control. Not getting to feel the baby move. It’s MUCH less real to them. I feel sorry for dads, some of the time.
That didn’t stop me from googling local lawyers with the American bar association with my last baby after my husband wouldn’t rub my feet.
If you liked this post you’ll enjoy my endless amounts of love post, check it out too it’s a good story.
Jessica [Havok] says
Just from the title alone, I had a giggle. More giggles ensued from reading the post. And it’s all true! My Mister works from home about half the time (some weeks a little more than half). And there are some days I just need away for a bit. I don’t have to leave the house, but even just going to another room for some quiet and alone time. It helps me recharge, and it helps me focus on my stuff better than having to listen to his phone calls for work all day, ha! Just last Friday, I went to spend the day with my mom for her birthday, and it was great to not only see my mom, but to be out of the house and seeing someone other than the Mister. Love him, of course, but seeing him so much is…well, you end up finding those little things that are just irritating, ha!
Hilary says
Haha, yes — it’s just nice to have a break from anything. 🙂
Monica says
Hahah! I must admit, there was a gasp coming from me. lol But you made me laugh!!! I enjoyed reading this. My husband and I have been married for almost 6 years and were together for 5 years before that! We have 5 boys so I know how tired a mommy can get. Marriage isn’t always pretty and time to yourself is very NICE! Thanks for the good read.
Hilary says
Haha, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed this!
Crystal says
So funny 🙂 I love your ideas. I love love love my husband but I definitely need a little me time sometimes! One night before bed we talked about 10 things we loved about each other, it was really sweet for me to hear his thoughts about me 🙂
Hilary says
Haha, it’s hard to be with ANYONE all the time. 🙂 I think you can never lose sharing good things about each other! A great idea indeed!
Orlena says
Are you going to write a follow up…5 Ways to Actually Kill Your Husband? LOL! Great article and so true. My husband is currently enjoying some R and R in Barcelona with an old friend. I’m hoping he’ll come back home ready to take on the world. (Or at least the 4 kids!)
Hilary says
Haha, I hope the husband was super ready! 🙂 I hope your turn comes sometime soon!
Brittany says
Oh my goodness! This post came at the perfect time for me! I’m feeling very guilty for being so short-tempered lately. I really feel like I’m losing my mind! Actually, being committed might be a nice vacation…. HAHA! I totally get where you’re coming from in that I also do not want to kill my family or wish I didn’t have one, but man, sometimes I need a pause button! I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed and then later when I take a minute to myself I feel very ungrateful for my beautiful family and selfish for not being more patient with my littles. I really appreciate this post.
Hilary says
Haha, it happens, we’re all in the same boat. 🙂
Sierra says
This was a nice read. My husband and I are starting to (I think) come out of (another) rough patch. Having a baby and moving to the other side of the world can really put a strain on things. My mantra most days was ‘I love him, but I don’t particularly like him at this moment’. Things are perfect nor are they fully better, but we’re getting back to our happy place. For me, it helps to do something nice for him- finding some way to serve him and show him I love him (his love language is acts of service).
Hilary says
YES, I think realizing it’s a rough patch is a great way to look at it. Love the love languages book!
Stephanie says
THe title to this post made me laugh. I love my hubby, but sometimes he gets on my last nerve.. going and being by myself out of the house is so important. I a SAHM so it helps me keep me sane
Hilary says
For sure!
Mahesh Kumar says
Hahaha! I think that my wife would really love this article. I am going to share it with her. Anyway, thanks Hilary for understanding us and putting all this up together.
Hilary says
Haha! I hope she enjoys it!
Michelle Obama says
Can you tell me how to kill my husband lolll you said you would hehehehe evil laugh 🙂
Hilary Erickson says
Oh Michelle, I have to keep that on the down low.
Dia says
thank you for posting this. this helps me a lot.
Pulling Curls says
I’m glad to be of help!
Kelcie says
Believe it or not, I googled ” how to kill your husband ” and was directed here. Glad there wasn’t a list of how to!!
Hilary Erickson says
Hahah, I have seen I rank on google for that! 🙂