There are four things I do EVERY. DAY. that lets my heart be still when I look around my house. It’s not easy to be a modern, organized housewife {don’t you hate that word, but I guess that’s what I am!} in today’s fast-paced world.

But first, let’s talk a little bit about how routines can help you as a mom.
As a nurse, we have a set of policies and procedures that help us know what to do when a patient presents to us.
We are encouraged to get into a practice of ALWAYS doing it this way.
That means I put the monitors on, I throw in an IV (if indicated), grab labs and then I ask 400 million questions.
And I do it that way every time. Along the way, I smooth out my process because I take note when things aren’t going right.
I started grabbing vitals as soon as I put them on the monitor, so the machine would already input them for me when it asked for them.
I made small changes that yielded less work for me.
Your house is just like another workspace.
When you get into routines with the things you do every day – -you are more prepared when something crazy happens.
Like, your kid learning to use his urine like a lightsabre.
So, let’s talk about a few of the things I do to make my home life smoother — these are 4 of the things that I think help a LOT towards a more peaceful home (for me — and I know every home will be different).
1. 10 minute tidy. Set the timer and run around like a crazy person. Ignore kids, just put stuff away. I’d guess 80% of my cleaning involves me putting stuff away. You think 10 minutes won’t be enough, but if you do it daily, it will surprise you! I actually have a whole 10-minute tidy challenge!
2. Plan what’s for dinner. Every morning, over breakfast I mull my dinner options. I try to menu plan earlier in the week to pare down my options, as well as have ideas for what I have on hand. If I don’t plan it early I’m left in the afternoon longing for the pizza hut, and that isn’t good for anyone, most importantly our pocket book. If I have a plan, I will carry it out. If I don’t have a plan I don’t. You can learn more about meal planning.
My ❤️ hotels for your Disneyland trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
3. Laundry. I can’t have a laundry day. Each day is assigned a load, and it needs to go in at breakfast time. Some days have more then 1. Do what works for you, but if you feel overwhelmed by your laundry day, maybe consider spreading it out. It also helps when your kid needs a special shirt for something, you’re already doing a load! Write down the loads you need to do each week, assign each one a day taking into consideration what you need (I do my clothes on Friday so if I need something over the weekend it is likely clean).
4. 5 minute tidy at night. Just when you think your body won’t do one. more. thing, just set the timer for 5 minutes, tidy up the kitchen and anything else that’s out. You can DO 5 minutes. You’ll be surprised by how much you get done and how much happier you feel in the morning to come into living spaces that are cleaned up.
Is it just that easy? Can you go from total disorganization to perfection in 30’ish minutes a day? I doubt it. But, if you spend a little more on the weekends and then promise yourself the 10 minutes each day you’ll notice a difference — and you’ll be able to focus more on your family, your friends, and your priorities instead of all the clutter that fills your space.
I would give anything for feeling like my life is in order. The 30 minutes is certainly worth it to me! Is there anything you do daily that would improve my life*? I’d love it if you’d share in the comments!
Read more about my cleaning plan here ~ and grab it right here:
*I do read scriptures and meditate for 10-15 minutes every morning. Honestly, it’s a HUGE peace-bringer and I’d highly recommend it!
I have a new course called Family Routines that I think you’ll like very much!

If quick tips like this are helpful start my 5 word organization challenge and check out some similar posts below that:
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Debbie Tom says
Laundry is so overwhelming to me. One load a day isn’t even enough to make a dent 🙁 Love the post!
Anonymous says
I’d have to add clean bathrooms daily somehow. I plan a months worth of dinners at the beginning of the month and don’t have to do laundry every day so I should be able to fit the bathrooms in easily – thanks for the idea!
Dawnie Ramone says
I’ve adopted this rule: Never leave a room empty-handed. I don’t refrain from running to the bathroom or to answer the door to stick to it, but if I DO have a moment and can’t find anything I’m ready to deal with at that moment, I can usually do SOMETHING before I leave the room. I might move the remote from the couch to the coffee table or put the cordless phone back on its dock. I’m amazed at what a difference this can make by the end of the day! I’m sorry I can’t remember who to credit this to.
Shari England says
I keep an all purpose cleaner and paper towels under the bathroom counters to give the counter and mirror a quick shine before bedtime. Beats having to run to the utility room for cleaners each time.
meira engel says
thank you. finally, a time management tip that i can actually carry out! it helps to know that I’m not alone in the daily ungrateful struggle for peace of mind.
Baye says
Great ideas!
Gen says
From this post I’ve learned I’d never want to be a housewife. Thanks. It’s not the chores but rather the obvious lack of 50/50. I will not be a slave to my husband/children.
Hilary says
That is certainly one way to look at it. I don’t feel like slave. But on most days (when I’m not at work) this is my workplace and I need some organization to “lay my day on.” I hope you are enjoying your work. 🙂 Life is never 50/50, but my husband is a big help to our family.
Krystle says
I think these are great ideas. And you don’t sound like a slave. Anyone looking for 50/50 is clearly looking out mainly for themselves. My husband and children are a great help, but I’m. aSAHM while my husband works outside of the home and my oldest child is 3….50/50 is a little unrealistic and actually wouldn’t be fair to my husband.
Hilary says
Yes, I realize that being a mom is my job on the days I’m not getting paid to be a nurse. 🙂
Krystle says
That’s so great! Nurses are ridiculously underappreciated. Thanks for all you do!
Hilary says
Awh, thanks!
Lacey Schoeneman says
One thing that I try to do every day is get up before the rest of the family and have some quiet time before the days starts. I have my cup of coffee and browse Pinterest. It both energizes and inspired me for the coming day.
I menu plan in Thursday and grocery shop on Fridays. I plan each days main meal so I don’t have to worry about dinner. I take into consideration the weather (who wants to eat soup on a 90 degree day) and our schedules (some days need to be crock pot days) and then it’s done. I check my menu each morning and do any morning prep that needs to be done. Easy and stress free.
I think what really makes housework go smoothly though is that I don’t do it all. My kids have their own to do lists every morning which include picking up their rooms and then one or two chores around the house. They sweep or I’ll send a double team to do the bathroom (one picks up the other wipes down) or they’ll pick up the living room, vacuum, pick up all the outside toys, take out the garbage… It makes a HUGE difference.
Hilary says
Great advice Lacey — my kids certainly do their share. That way i can concentrate more on deep cleaning and organizing. 😀
Carolyn Avallone says
I clean as I go when I’m cooking, gives me something to do when waiting for the timer to go off, and makes for super easy clean up after meals. I also refuse to leave dirty dishes over night, with the exception of a pot or pan that MUST be soaked. And the water dishes are left to soak in over night is just a mess to have to deal with first thing in the morning!! 🙂 <3
Hilary says
That is such a smart way to cook. I need to work on being more like that!