**Again, sorry if you hate these, but I think it's good info for the bloggers out there. I blogged for 9 years before making much at all off this blog. I love to blog. I just like getting paid for it too. :) I'm always looking for input though -- if you hate these, let me know! :)
August was another poor month around here at Pulling Curls. Revenue was down, sponsored posts are down and hits are down, but towards the end of the month I made some changes that are already looking good in Sepetember. But, back to July.
{I have gotten wind of some advertising companies saying that putting actual dollar amounts out there for the general public is a no-no, according to their terms of use — I have emailed them and asked if I can do this going forward, but this month will be more general}
One of my ad networks changed how analytics looks at my views. That makes them skewed a bit (and a LOT more in months to come). I will now be tracking users. 87087 -which is actually JUST over what I had in July. I think I had a hail mary at the end of the month because I was low, low, low with moms and families out of town. Next summer I’ll just know views are down in the summer and not fret about it.
Down 20% from last month. I have been working hard to maintain good viewability with them, but it is tanking my mobile revenue. I was very upfront and honest with them about this. I found a solution, which they were OK with — you’ll see it below
Down 56% — SERIOUSLY low CPM’s this month. Again, it’s families on vacation. I’ll know it’s all fine next year. I also stopped using Adsnse about 2/3 of the way through the month. I still have one of their ads to try to eek this to 100 bucks so I can get paid, but I’m done with them after that.
Bloggers Network
This is what took the place of Adsense. I really like them, they configure my ads for me and are quick to listen to feedback. So far, so good. Let’s just say in the 10 days I had them, I made more than I made with 20 days on adsense.
My ❤️ hotels for your Disneyland trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
They are now running my mobile views. That means tablet AND phone. I really like the way it looks and I hope users like it too. I was only on it a few days but made more than I made on Adsense all month. Just to give you an idea, I’ve been making over 20/day with them since September started. That’s good news. If you’re interested in joining, here’s the link — and I’d love it if you said you were referred from Pulling Curls. 🙂 You can also email them with any questions {publishers @ padsquad.com}.
Down 32 percent. Again — I think people just weren’t buying. {this is me, not freaking out}
I had 9 bought. I hope people find them helpful (and that’s how I mined all this great data out for you guys!). If you’re interested in my blogging income spreadsheet — here’s the link . It does all the math for you and gives you great info about your blog!
Ad/Spreadsheet total 515.52
Down 2 percent, so I was pretty well on track from last month. Similar views, similar income.
Sponsored posts:
I made 350 between a Pinterest Campaign and another written campaign with Blogher.
Grand total: 865.58
A good’ish amount — although down 30% from the month before, mostly because I had a TON of sponsored posts in July. Seriously, if you’d told me 6 months ago the blog would be making this I would have laughed in your face. I am VERY grateful for each and every view and the opportunities that are coming my way.
How I’m getting traffic:
My blog continues to be 80% Pinterest, and I’m figuring out ways to make that take less of my time. I have started using Viral Tag more and now I’ve started a spreadsheet {SURPRISE!} to track where I’m pinning and all that jazz. I am getting more from Google. I know my SEO has picked up. I’m hoping that continues to advance, as it’s a lot easier to get google hits than Pinterest.
The Bad:
- Views just go down during the summer. I have TOTALLY seen them pick up since school has started for the East coast. I had heard this rumor, and now I know it’s true. 🙂
- The reality is that Adsense just is a cheaper alternative and easy to put on your blog. I had heard there were other, better networks out there. I was right. I’m sad it took me so long to convert.
- I’m not getting sponsored posts from Blogher due to my switch to PadSquad. I’m not sure if I WILL get offers, or if that well will go dry. It’s a trade-off.
The good:
- My new ad networks (The Bloggers Network and PadSquad) are both great to work with and I’ve seen good income so far (I am over 350 on the 10th of September). I have been tracking these fairly closely at the beginning, just to see how it’s going. I hope to stop doing that soon. I HATE being stats obsessed {spreadsheet anyone?}.
- Pinterest has picked up. Other stuff is picking up, the internet is alive agian.
- I’m able to not worry about picking up a bunch of extra shifts and just work from home. I love my job, but I also like being home in case there’s a sick kid or a need elsewhere. I just am a homebody.
So, that’s what’s up in blogland. I hope this was helpful for you. We’ll see what the ad networks say about giving hard data for each one. I’m fine to do it, but I guess I need to make sure they are too. So, what do you think? Helpful? Here’s to more money, and great blog posts next month! 😀
If you enjoyed this post be sure to check out my other blog income posts, or my blog income spreadsheet. You’ll see how far I came since January. 🙂 Also be sure to follow my “Business of Blogging” Pinterest board.
Clare says
I love reading other people’s blogging reports so that you so much for sharing. I’ve just signed up with PadSquad and so far have been very impressed with the team, and the CPMs look pretty good too – I only wish my split of tablet to phone users was more towards tablets!
Hilary says
Clare, thanks for saying that. I’m glad oyu enjoy them.
Laura @ Little Bits of Granola says
Hi Hilary,
I find these very helpful. The numbers are great, but your analysis of what you’ve done each month and how you see it affecting your blog is really terrific for a new blogger like me. So much of the monetization and technical part is foreign and a bit intimidating to me.
You’ve share a couple of my posts on social media before. I genuinely appreciate that!! 🙂
Hilary says
Laura, if I shared them – that means I like them. 🙂 Glad it’s helpful!
Lisa says
I really appreciate you sharing this information. I am just really getting started so it’s helpful. I can’t wait to hear more about new ad networks.
Hilary says
You’re welcome Lisa — I hope I have good info to share next month!