Did you know that many people have tried the wacky idea of using soap to relieve Restless Leg Syndrome? This fidgety affliction can be treated with medication, but many find that natural remedies or other treatment options, like use of soap, are just as effective (with no side effects).
Have you seen those commercials about restless legs?
Maybe you even have it? It is obvious that the pharmaceutical industry has taken hold of this distressing syndrome and sees dollar signs and a marketing slogan. BUT, I have heard that the possible side effects could be FAR worse than restless legs. Soap for rls symptoms is an easy remedy that YOU can try today!
My mom was reading up on it on the internet and found that Ivory Soap could be the key to getting rid of hers.
What. the. heck?
What is Restless Leg (RLS)?
Honestly, the verdict is still out. And it seems to be different than nightly leg cramps or a charley horse. A lot of people suffer from it, but the cause seems to be complex — and hard to pin down.
There are no studies or scientific evidence that show that any of the remedies in this article work. There ARE medications that people use, but they have hard side effects like dry mouth, brain fog, fatigue or weight gain.
Rates of RLS are twice as high in women, and can be as high as 3 times as high in pregnant women (which makes having a natural home remedy like soap important, as those women don’t want to take medications if they don’t have to).
Using Soap for Restless Leg
Does it make ANY sense? no (seriously guys, ZERO studies or scientific research on this one besides a TON of people recommending it online — check out my comments!) — but she happened to have a new bar of soap in her pantry. She unwrapped it (it seems like the jury’s out on if you actually need to unwrap it) and popped it between her mattress pad and her fitted sheet and somehow like dumbo with his feather, she no longer has restless leg at night. Soap remedy for the win! Just to be clear, liquid soap won’t work for middle of the night RLS.
**Think this is insane (just like I did) — check the comments!
Bar of soap in bed for restless leg
If you are in the mood to read more:
- This one is selling their own soap, but ivory soap seemed to work for my mom!
- More positive reviews.
- This one rates a bar of soap as the top remedy.
So, I got 3 bars of Ivory Soap for my little photo shoot and I read all the ingredients — it really makes NO sense. My mom says she can’t smell the scent of ivory soap, she has it tucked in a corner under the bottom sheet so she doesn’t feel it.
She said the first couple of nights she’d be on the “verge”of getting it — but then would remember her soap and it would stop.
It seems like a homeopathic remedy that is a good standby treatment for nocturnal leg cramps.
What kind of soap for RLS?
It looks like there’s evidence that any type of soap will work although I don’t know about the fragrance of the soap… but my mom has only tried Ivory Soap.
I have heard some people tout lavender-scented soap because of its soothing qualities if you like the smell of lavender. But, Ivory worked for my mom. Feel free to try another brand of soap, like irish spring or even soap chips.
Hers came back harder when she had knee surgery…
My ❤️ hotels for your Disneyland trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
Other natural remedies for Restless Leg
Once my mom started having the issue, I started studying it more.
Things I have found that have helped others:
Magnesium supplements can often keep chemistry on your side to help your muscles stay calm, some people use it in a lotion on their legs.
Good news! Some people have found that a weighted blanket can help. It just helps your legs relax by pressure. I have seen a lot of things about the counter stimulation helping your fidgety legs.
Light stretching can help — keeping in mind that rigorous exercise before bed is NOT recommended, and can make the uncontrollable urge to move your legs worse.
Loosen up — I have seen some people say that un-tucking your bed sheets can help your legs have some movement (if your toes are forced to point down it can be problematic)
Chill out — some people have said that by changing the temperature helps (some say heated, some say cooled like cold compresses) it can help. I have a BedJet which I love to help relax me before bed! Check it out here.
A little quinine anyone? My mom has found tonic water to be helpful. Again, no studies — people don’t recommend it — but I saw it recommended again and again online, so I bought her some. And she said it helped, a LOT!
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There have also been some re-stocks of fan favorites: See them here!
Doctors say that decreasing your alcohol, coffee and tobacco consumption can help with it as well!
Some people report that massage can help — especially when they concentrate on your leg area. Less helpful when you’ve just had surgery though.
I have also heard good things about essential oils for RLS, something like this.
Finally, it’s certainly a good idea to talk with your doctor about it if you’re finding it problematic. They can always order some tests to make sure your chemistry is alright.
Restless Legs vs Leg Cramps
It’s sort of a fine line as they are different problems (both are described as painful)… if nighttime leg cramps or muscle cramps are your issue, I’ve heard good things about this stuff.
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It’s crazy, right? Anyone tried it? Do you think it’s Dumbo and his feather “made” him fly — or is it more? I figure spending a buck on a bar of soap (which you could even just use if this experiment went awry) might be worth a try!
Ivory Soap for Restless Legs relief is the first of my Weird things that work series. Be sure to check out my health and wellness board on Pinterest!
Gloria says
Last Sunday evening I went to bed and immediately bounced right back out — with RLS. In desperation I went to Pinterest.com and searched for RLS remedies. I have tried the soap before, but it didn’t seem to work; will try it again. Have also tried using magnesium oil spray on my legs, but that produced mixed results. What DID work and has worked every night since is VICKS! I read the article and was just floored. VICKS? Anyway, I happened to have some generic equivalent and applied it all over my feet, put on my fuzzy socks and also put on my socks with no feet over the calves of my legs. I slept for 8 straight hours, not even taking a bathroom break. I hate to say anything and “jinx” the process, but do try it. What I have also tried that helps is to lie on my stomach and hang my feet over the side of the bed. Thanks for all the remedies I have apparently had RLS off and on since I was 10 or 12. The doctor told my mother it was “growing pains”. It seems to have gotten worse as I have gotten older..
Hilary Erickson says
Wow! I am SO GLAD it helped! I think there are always a lot of things we can try before drugs. 🙂
Mandie says
I suffered with restless leg with all four of my pregnancies, and recently it’s returned with a vengeance 😩 so lots and LOTS of sleepless nights, so, tonight I am going to bed armed with a bar of dove soap ( as it’s all I have!) and my feet smothered in vicks, plus some very fluffy socks🤞🏻 Hoping for a rare full night of blissful sleep! Thank you for the tips
Hilary Erickson says
I hope it works!
Donna Huisinga says
I havd a restless foot and it works for me. I keep the bar in an old sock. If it is a bad bight, I put my foot in the sock so my foot is in contact with fhe soap. It helps every time.
Hilary Erickson says
Yay! I’m glad it worked!
denise says
When I read to try this and a few successful stories
IN AWE OF THIS ALL, that was almost
2, 1/2 months ago
Amazed 🤍💛💛
Hilary Erickson says
yay! I am so glad!
Sandy says
What about during the day? Mine bother me during the day, any ideas?
Hilary Erickson says
Read through the comments — some people have said magnesium or other vitamins/minerals?
Karen says
mine bothers me when I am sitting, i.e. computer, at the table…………I simply get up and move around- sure, it interrupts whatever you are doing, but does help a little
Hilary Erickson says
Stephanie says
I suffer form RLS and never did anything about it until tonight. I read your blog and tried the bar soap. I didn’t have ivory but another brand. Tucked it and immediately I felt my legs rest. Omg! I haven’t felt my legs relaxed like this in so long I’m in complete shock. I can finally, finally sleep a full one tonight. So glad I read this. Thank you
Hilary Erickson says
Becky says
I’m a little dubious on the soap one but figure it’s worth a try because having rls is so annoying! Also will be trying the vicks one because why not?and plus they’re the ones I have lol will update tomorrow.
Hilary Erickson says
They are all a little crazy!
Ann says
I get an episode of rls about once a year but it gets very severe and includes my limbs and torso. The episode I’m in now has lasted several days and sent me to the ER. I was given valium twice while there but it didn’t help much. They sent me home with a script for neurontin which helped but I still have some residual symptoms. I’ve been drinking tonic water & started on 500mgs of magnesium(which gave me diarrhea). I’m definitely going to try the soap and vicks. I also heard cbd oil or tincture can be helpful too.. I wouldn’t wish this condition on my worst enemy.
Hilary Erickson says
Let us know if it works at all!
Jessie Griffith says
Was the magnesium in the form of citrate? Try taking a different form. I like a mix of malate and glycinate. Also citrate is for constipation. 😉
VerNeshia says
As I review the Ingredients it must contain a good amount of Magnesium to relax the body. I’m going to try it! Of some work I have more soap to use!
Hilary Erickson says
Melissa says
So I have restless legs and yes they are so much worse during pregnancy. I recently was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and was unable to walk for about a year before and 7 weeks after surgery. I was put on gabapentin which definitely helps with the RLS. I have also tried essential oils and they also help. I used lavender, frankincense, and Roman chamomile and this was a good combo. I am excited to try the bar of soap. I can’t help but wonder if this is a placebo effect or if there is any science behind this. Anyways if it works it works! I am sorry to all of you suffering from this. It is miserable.
Dave Foreshoe says
Nothing works.
Pulling Curls says
I’m so sorry you’re not having luck with anything helping.
Yvonne Ward says
Hi, Dave. Man last night was awful for me. I finally got up and drank some water with a tablespoon of ACV in it. It helps most of the time. It helped last night. I’ve also had good luck with a digestive enzymes. I’ve tried several but had the best results with NeoLife Enzyme Digestive Aid