Mawidge. Mawidge is what brings us togeda today. Wove, twu wove… the dream widin the dweam…. name that movie! Here’s a hint, I have something from it inscribed on Drew’s ring.
I know, you’ve all stalked Drew’s ring….
Anyway, marriage.
This post was originally written in June 2015 and was updated in 2018
I went to a marriage recently. In our church, it’s actually called a sealing, although you are also married according to the law at the sealing. The sealer said something really thought-provoking. He said that we really can’t comprehend all the love that it will take to create an eternal marriage.
In fact…
It takes endless amounts of love to create an eternal marriage.
That got me to thinking.
I haven’t been shy about marriage being hard for me (in fact, I talk about it on my about me page). I really have my own will, and I want to follow through on that and not have to wait for others or consider their needs.
Me, Me, Me.
But marriage really isn’t that, and I’m not sure I had a full concept of that. I, in fact, married a man who truly adores me. I kind of thought he’d just do my bidding until God called us home.
But, because he has a spine he hasn’t done just that.
And it has required us to have love, and in fact our love hasn’t been enough.
In the LDS church, a sealing is considered a covenant, which is a promise you make with God. So, you may be able to picture our marriage as a promise with 3 people, my husband, myself and God. And sometimes I really need God to kick in his end. I need His love to make mine and my husband’s love enough.
Here are 4 things that we do to make sure our love is enough to get us to eternity:
1. Have regular date nights.
We don’t always leave the house anymore. Our kids are pretty self-sufficient, so sometimes we just kick them out of the living room or we will go watch a movie in our room. This is imperative to have some shared experiences that are just he and I. Super important.
While in nursing school a nurse I was working with (who was male) shared with me that he felt it was irresponsible for parents to go away from their children. He and his wife had never left their children. Ever. I can’t even imagine (and they had some enormous number, like 5 — which is a lot when I’m 20). I got such a creepy feeling when he was telling this 20-year-old girl all this that I there resolved to consistently leave my children. 🙂 And I do.
It’s a line item in the budget, and possibly the most important one.
As I always say — a date is much cheaper than a lawyer. 🙂
If you want to go super budget friendly — my friend Camille has a ton of cool couples games ideas.
2. See what page everyone is on frequently.
This has been super important as of late. I need to know what page he is on, and he needs to know what page I am on. I need to know if he’s had any spiritual impressions for our family, and the same goes for me. Life is fast and hard and I NEED to be on the same page as my husband. And I often need to be able to do that without children. We haven’t always been the best at saying prayers together at night. At about 8 pm I turn into a zombie and he sometimes might feel like he needs to kill me to stay alive, but we have been doing better at saying prayers together at night, and it is a great time to see what page everyone is on. You are almost always dealing with a crisis, be they big or small.
I also REALLY recommend getting calendars sync’d. Something like Cozi can help any mis-communications on timing, etc.
3. Worship together.
My husband and attend the temple together, but you and your spouse will need to figure out what this looks like for you. We need to keep the “God” part of our marriage healthy. I do believe that a “marriage” is about God.
You can believe whatever you want but I think that’s what God put us here to do, and I believe marriage makes us better people, both separately and we are a dynamite duo when you put us together, and God planned it that way.
4. Remind yourself that it’s hard.
I remember being 21 sitting in church with all these similarly-aged women just gushing about how wonderful their marriage was and how much they loved their husband. I wondered what was wrong with me? Was I the only one who found this to be hard, to give up my will for our will?
There are times you’ll want out, but #3 is often what keeps us together. I figure if we’re in a promise with God he can give me the strength to make it work. And He does. Because if we were relying just on me it would be, just me. No us.
It’s hard, it takes work. There’s no shame in that.
Marriage is a wonderfully hard thing, and I really love that saying I said at the beginning. You will need endless love to create an eternal marriage. I just hope I have enough for today. 🙂 And in case you missed the quote from above — here’s my favorite wedding scene….

Like this post — download this adorable printable that can help remind you that sometimes you just have to make the choice — and check out all my other similar posts below that.
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This post is part of a blog hop with these fabulous bloggers! We’re talking about our marriages, giving tips, and sharing what we’ve learned but most importantly defending traditional marriage between a man and a woman. I’m grateful to live in a country that allows for change but I am still a strong believer of marriage between a man and a woman.
Mandy @ A Bliss Complete |Hilary @ Pulling Curls |Emily @ Celestial Shine Magazine | Kerry @ My Random Sampler
Jocelyn @ We Talk of Christ | Jenifer @ Moss Moments | Montserrat @ Cranial Hiccups
Jennifer @ My Daylights | Camille @ Chicken Scratch ‘n’ Sniff | Angela @ Mormon Women Stand | Kathryn @ Well Behaved Mormon Woman
Lynness says
I’m a lot like you: a Type-A, details-oriented, organized person, and I’m the oldest and used to being in charge, and that’s not already good for my marriage, either because I think I make him feel like he’s one of the kids a lot, that he needs ‘managing.’ Good reminders here…I should read this every day….
Lynness says
PS- so what’s the part of the movie on his ring- “As you wish?”
Lynness says
PS- so what’s the part of the movie on his ring- “As you wish?” That would be funny, considering the post.
Hilary says
Yes, it’s easy to feel like you’re his mom…. no bueno. I can’t imagine that would feel good, although I sometimes wish someone would be MY mom. 🙂
And yes, his ring says As you wish. 🙂 and the wedding date. So he can’t forget. 😉
Havok says
Seeing what page everyone is on? Super important in our house. We both tend to make “plans” (normally smaller things, but plans all the same) about how to go about things, and we never make the same ones, ha! So we both have been trying harder to actually say or mention what our intentions are. It can be frustrating when it seems you have the perfect idea of how to go about something, and the other person isn’t on the same wavelength!
Also, love Princess Bride. One of my favorite movies and books!
Hilary says
I haven’t actually read the book. I need to put that on my list of things to read! Communication can be SO hard. I don’t appreciat eit when other people pretend like it’s cake at their house. I’m guessing they just don’t communicate then. 🙂
Montserrat says
All of these tips are great! Communication is one thing my husband and I are very good at now but it took some work to get to this point.
Hilary says
Haha, communication is always a sticking point for any relationship. Even with BFF’s at times, I try to remind myself of that. 🙂
Heather says
I LOVE the Princess Bride! Hubby bought it for me when we were still dating for Christmas one year and he says “As you wish” to me around the house frequently 🙂 Also our worship pastor was the one who married us and he loves the movie as well, so during our rehearsal he did that entire speech as we practiced the ceremony! It was great!
Hilary Erickson says
I love that!
Jan says
I like it. It makes sense. Ive seen it happen. All relationships worth their salt take lots of work. Disappointment, irritation or frustration doesn’t failure equal failure..
Hilary Erickson says
Ooo, that is SO true!