I’m headed to my 20th high school reunion next week.
I was totally cool with it. Saw it on Facebook, bought my tickets — tried to think of someone who would come.
A friend emailed, saying she was coming, and I started to get excited.
Then, I went to figure out what I would pack to wear.
Buy a Bosch Universal Mixer (in white or Stainless Steel) and get the cookie set FREE:
☑️ Cookie Paddles
☑️ Metal Whip Drive
☑️ 2 Cookie Sheet Liners
☑️ Bowl Scraper
There have also been some re-stocks of fan favorites: See them here!
O.M.G. I’m going to see people who I haven’t SEEN for years. In my head, I guess Facebook had made the “need for reunions” null. I mean, I see people on Facebook — right?
But, Provo is a town, and an ideal that I left a LONG time ago.
I am just SO different than who I was back then.
But then, isn’t everyone? I feel like we’ll all just step in time with who we were 20 years ago.
But we can’t, can we?
I knew I needed to blog about it — pull some curls, as it were. I pulled out my old scrapbook to get some pictures to put on my little image. Yes, we had a dance called GNIMOCEMOH (what’s it spelled backwards?).
I’m just saying THAT is what I left.
But, you probably left yours too. Give me the skinny on YOUR 20th year reunion!
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