Yes, this post is about 5 things you certainly don’t NEED for your baby.
Which is awesome, because when you walk into a baby store it’s like you need ALL THE THINGS. And I’m here to tell you, you totally don’t (I have a post about the 11 things you NEED for a new baby).
When I had my first one, times were financially rough. I get it. Babies are expensive in SO many ways!
I do have 5 things that I think are worth a splurge on babies (but totally not necessary). Some of them are NOT worth it on your first baby, but more worth it for subsequent babies. I do have a full second baby checklist you might find helpful!
I have a detailed list of just the things you NEED. And I would NOT recommend going into debt, at any point, to get things for your baby. Borrow, buy 2nd hand, all that jazz. Plus, you have to keep your baby closet organized.
It’s with an experienced nurse on your OWN schedule!
BUT, when you’ve got a little cash that you’re hoping to make life easier. Here’s what I recommend
5 Baby Items You Don’t Need
1. Owlet
Owlet Baby Monitor would probably be my personal #1, just because I get so anxious sleeping and worried about the baby.
SIDS always looms in my mind and while I do you think you need to just let go of any facade of control I am sure that the owlet would have let me have a lot of peace of mind.
In a nutshell (although you can read a lot more about it here) it tracks your baby’s oxygen and pulse to make sure they’re OK. They have a base where an alarm will sound if the oxygen goes below a certain level. You can track it also on your smartphone, even if you’ve left a babysitter! Very cool. A worthy splurge, in my opinion! You can
I have a full post about it, which sometimes includes some Owlet Coupon codes they also have a new Owlet Camera.
Tangent: These things aren’t needs, but they’re not expensive, some are ridiculously cute. I have a whole post about awesome freebies for new moms. I think you’ll really like them — or let me share a few of my favorites (be sure to use code CURLS333 to save!). They say they’re “free” but shipping is more expensive than you’d expect:
Eskimo Kids hats — these are GREAT for the winter! The hats have been SUPER popular (I saw them at a conference and they really are SO Cute and soft) After you use code CURLS333 with shipping it’s $12.99 Still not bad for a soft hat your kid’s going to love (they have infant to adult sizes).
Little Wanderers baby shoes (because I have an unhealthy addiction to baby shoes). I could get 2 pair of the baby shoes {swoon} for 17 bucks shipped to me (with code CURLS333). Still a GREAT deal for two pairs of super cute shoes (guys — these look very freshly-picked’ish). They also have some ADORABLE boy options!
Ruffle Buns (because OH MY GOSH they are cute!) With code Curls333 shipping for 3 of them is 14 bucks (pretty great for 3 pair). You can remove the sizing insurance — that seems a bit overkill with baby bloomers. They also have diaper covers for little boys (great for summer months).
Remember you can see ALL my favorite freebies here.
Ok — back to the regular post:
2. A GREAT stroller
A stroller is important but MORE important on 2nd and subsequent babies (I think). This is a fun one to splurge on with baby #2 (which is what I did).
Now, your need for a great stroller can change. I ended up with a McLaren stroller with Mr. Middle which I LOVED. But, it was one you could clip the car seat in (there’s no shame in just getting something like this, as you’ll only use it for a few months). And, true to form, Maclaren doesn’t make that anymore. BUT, I have heard GREAT things about the Chicco Bravo system. I like the simplicity of Chicco Car seat and I think that is a great option for newborns.
NOW, those clip-in car seat strollers tend to be a bit heavier then what you’d want as your child gets older. Also, they often don’t fold as small as you might like. If you’re looking for a middle-of-the-road-my-baby-is-not-in-an-infant-car seat-anymore type model — I had a similar Kolocraft and really liked it. BUT, I would (unless it’s your last baby, which is when I bought mine after my Maclaren died) recommend something better. I’ve heard good things about these Summer Infant ones. Chicco makes their own smaller one that is nice. Maclaren is still awesomesauce in the stroller world. They have the Techno. Or, just go straight to the royal treatment with the Bugaboo stroller. 🙂
Things I like in a good stroller
- Fold small — I haven’t ALWAYS had a minivan
- Turns well
- Great storage available (both underneath and sometimes also in the hood)
- A nice cup holder is a bonus
- Able to lay baby down or sit them up
BTW, if you’re looking for stuff for baby #2 and you need a big kid bed, I love this one!
3. A GREAT carrier
Much like a stroller, I don’t think a carrier is as important until you have a 2nd and you need your hands more free to deal with your other offspring. HOWEVER, they’re super handy even if you only have one, and if you get a good one (and learn how to use it well) it will last for many kids. I used a Baby Bjorn that I got 2nd hand when my kids were little and then I advanced to an Ergo once they were able to sit upright more (I do NOT recommend the Ergo for small babies, most things I have read don’t recommend using it until they are at least 12 pounds). I LOVED both of them. So handy and Princess P LOVED being close to me.
I feel like the keys to a good carrier are: 1) You can put it on — easily, on your own. Some of these with the 12 straps end up confusing new moms so much they don’t end up using it. 2) It is good to your back. I could probably still carry my 6-year-old in my Ergo…. it’s that good. She is also very small. 😉
BTW, I would totally check out the Ergo Site in addition to the Amazon site above. There are some benefits from buying directly from Ergo, so make sure you get what’s best for you! Their new stowaway carrier looks amazing!
4. A Great Camera
There are going to be SO many moments that you REALLY want to capture.
I love this camera, with this lens and I used this book to learn. Check them out!
Or, upgrade your phone to a good camera there. Honestly, they are pretty great too.
Another option is to get something that will allow you to print right from the camera, the Polaroid Snap is ADORABLE and I would 100% recommend the one with the touch screen so you can see what you took a picture of before printing.
5. Hatch Baby Rest
Ok guys — I was ALWAYS looking for something like this, and when I found this I thought the price was SO right!
It’s a nightlight, sound machine and later (when they’re older) an OK to wake indicator.
Basically, you can turn the light on when the baby is crying (from your phone) but have it SUPER dim (mostly just so you don’t hurt yourself).
You can use it as a sound machine (which was a HUGE lifesaver with baby #3)
EXCLUSIVE CODE: Use coupon code PULLINGCURLS to get $20 off The Bosch Mixer (also in stainless steel), Classic Grain Mill & Harvest Grain Mill, at
My Favorites:
🤑 The Artiste is a gem of a mixer at a great price.
💚 The Baker’s pack is what I use at my house, the paddles and the scraper make this my favorite mixer!
(💲💲💲 Use code PULLINGCURLS on either of those too to save $20)
AND you can set it to turn on at a certain time — so your child knows it’s OK to get up!
I just think this one will grow with your baby. I had a dim light, and a sound machine — and between the two of them, even at a big box store, I spend more than this. Plus, this one is so compact — I think it’s just such a smart idea!
Oh, and also check out their new baby scale while you’re there. Weighing a baby before and after is the best indicator of how much milk they’re getting (besides wet diapers).
One thing that IS a need…. A great prenatal class
Yes, the baby will still come out without it, but knowing what you’re in for makes life SO much easier! Many find the gold standard to be taught at the hospital — but I want you to keep in my this class is….
I’ve taught my own hospital classes, and that’s why I came up with my own class.
- Quick — not a minute wasted.
- It’s all about you — fits in your busy schedule!
- Engaging — between videos and key points you’ll know exactly what’s important with a dose of humor.
- Accurate — Over 16 years of experience makes this class a winner!
The Online Prenatal Class for Couples is for busy families who want to be prepared for their upcoming birth by being quick, enaging and accurate for families to be able to enjoy their pregnancy and delivery.
You can even save an extra 10% with code PC10 Check it out!
Not sure we’re a good fit check out my free class — It’s your first step towards being your own birth boss.
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