Drew and I are experiencing a similar situation to what we experienced 4 years ago. It’s eerily similar. I’m trying to really take hope from the posts i had back then. Here are 6 things I learned that I’m trying to keep close to my heart during this upcoming time period. Life is hard, sometimes just holding a few things close helps me keep my vision intact.
My ❤️ hotels for your Disneyland trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
Life is hard. Remember these:
1. You’re where you are right now, love it. I remember my friend, Angie, telling me that time would go by quickly and I’d miss California all too quickly. I spent an awful lot of time crying in my room 4 years ago. I’m trying not to do that. I’m trying to LOVE it here. I already do, but I don’t want to miss out on the good times here because I’m too busy being nervous about our future.
2. God built us a home. I’m not saying he built THIS home,but he built us A home, and a school and a job and a masters degree — all for us. Yes, he drew us right up to the edge of my psyche before we had it all, but he was building it all along. In reality, the home we did buy had only been on the market a couple of days before we bought it. The bricks just needed to fall into place.
3. God is mindful of us. Sure, this goes right along with #2 — but it’s easy to feel VERY alone, and sad, and hurt. God wants us to be happy. No reason to wallow.
4. We are OK today. I am a forward thinker. I need to realize that we have enough money for the month ahead of us. We also have a TON of food storage that can help us during this time (also to eat down in case we move). Time to get creative with ingredients! 🙂 I find the phrase “sufficient for the day is the evil therein” in this type of situation. Sometimes you just have to worry about TODAY!
5. Push the anxiety to something productive. With the chance of a move in front of us, and my ability to organize things to an inch of their existence, I need to make sure funnel my energies. Throw things away, organize, get stuff in bins. SO. FUN!
6. Remember to #bekindandhavecourage . It is really easy for me to REALLY mad a SO many people at this point. That doesn’t do anything. I need to be nice, not focus on the negative and have courage for what the future holds for us.
Life will go on. I remember sitting on my couch and having that realization that my life was fairly the same, just at a new destination. It’s hard not to be anxious and worried, but hopefully these 6 things will help me stay sane, and away from the Kleenex box. 🙂
If you’re interested in more of our job loss journey — check these posts out!
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Aubrey says
I’m at a loss as to how to help you. Lunch on Friday will help though. And if you need more organizing projects, I have a couple that could use your mad organizing skills to help! 😉 Love you, my friend.
Hilary says
Haha, sometimes being social makes it harder, which is entirely ludicrous. Life goes on. God could kill me at any point too…. can’t be sad about the unknown future. 🙂
M says
Hi Hilary, I read this post and an older “Lack of control” post and we are in a similar situation.
My husband has worked at a position for 9 &1/2 years and he has worked very hard and done a
good job. New management came in and within 2 weeks he was told that they want to move in
a different direction. He can work at a local level but no info on what location. There will be a cut
in pay but no one can give us any information on that. It has been 3 weeks. Numerous co-workers have said that this is wrong but at this point’ it is what is happening and we need to figure it out. Thankfully he had some vacation. He has made many phone calls and sent resumes and replied to postings but nothing yet. In this time span there have been medical problems and emergency room visits. It’s hard because it is all out of our control because we have done what we can.. The budget has been on lock-down since January when I was injured and I am still not back to work. We have been hit on all sides and are working hard to trust in God for his direction and for Him to make a way.. So my husband will have to try to cope with all of the game playing going on in the meantime.. We are literally flying blind as far as budget and this is hard for me. I am also a planner. Pray for us and I will be praying for you also. Thank you for your posts and transparency. I look forward to reading about your progress.
Hilary says
M, that’s really hard. I am sorry your family is having to go through that. I wish you guys the best of luck! 🙂 Did you read my “parable of the oil tanker”? it’s a good reminder for me! 🙂 http://www.pullingcurls.com/2014/07/library-books-turned-parable-oil-tanker.html
Debbi says
Hi Hilary,
I read your page because I read anything that has to do with difficulties in life, praying to God, and depression. I am 65 and close to 7 years ago my husband and I moved from Mich.City, IN to Florida so that my husband could be closer to his grandkids, etc. It only seemed fair since the time we had been together, we had been by my family. My husband also had health problems so the hot was better than the freezing cold winters in IN. I adjusted pretty well, although truth be told, his family really never made any attempts to visit etc. unless it was a holiday. Anyway, I considered myself lucky because I was married to my best friend and I knew God was taking care of us. But a year ago last month my husband passed away and before that he was in a nursing home for almost a year. Between raising kids, being married, etc. I had never been totally alone in my whole life and my depression has only gotten worse. I moved to a different city in FL because my cousin lived there and a good friend lived there so again, I thought that God was looking out for me and giving me a support group. It never turned out that way….I have been in my new place for almost 3 months but since I did not know the area at all, I evidently rented the wrong apartment because it is on the outskirts of the city itself, therefore it is like a 12-15 minute drive. My cousin and my friend have each been to visit me one time only. I have gone to see them several times but they are evidently to busy & have their own friends etc. that they never seem to ask me to do anything with them. They were both in favor of my moving here, so I just don’t get it. When I was younger and went thru a divorce with my first husband, I was young and I was strong. I raised my 3 kids by myself, he never paid child support, and plenty of things happened until I used to joke that I kept having the rug pulled out from underneath me so many times that my toes were curled from trying to hold on instead of falling. But this time, at the age of 65, I am not strong at all. I feel like I am broken inside, I am lonely and alone, I still believe in God but I know there are so many days that I have let him down. I am going to be starting counseling in May, so I do talk and pray to God that it helps me and I do think that when my year is up in this apartment, I will end up moving back to IN.. I read your list of 6 things above and I am glad I did because hopefully they will push me to try my best to learn to accept things the way they are. I hope things start getting a little better for you and your family and you can stop being so worried so much of the time. God Bless.
Hilary says
My goodness Debbi, you sure do have a lot on your plate! I have often relied on my church during times like that. Perhaps you could find a place of faith that would help? I wish you the best!