We have discussed positive self-talk for kids, but what are some affirmations, or positive statements your kids can say to themselves to set the intention for a positive future? Their inner dialogue affects a lot of what comes out.

When children choose positive thinking, it allows them to boost growth in a positive way. This works with people of all ages. It doesn’t take much time and a parent can be a great example to instill an amazing creative mindset.
What is a Positive Affirmation?
Affirmations are positive statements that hopefully create a positive mindset for years. People (or your child) can say them to themselves as a tool to remind them of the truths they know inside. The word affirmation itself means emotional support or encouragement.

How can kids use daily affirmations?
They can make the effort to say them in the morning, or make habit of rolling through them in their head when they face adversity during the day, to help them feel more positive.
They will need a bit of guidance from us in order to use them effectively & to make them the most powerful.
While affirmations themselves aren’t going to build self-esteem, as kids use them more frequently and come up with their own it really can — and it will also help them think positively — even BECOME positive — when things are hard.
Words of Affirmation for Kids
The great thing about children is that they haven’t been torn down by all the negative internal and external thoughts that adults have.
Kids seek out positive things, so they will really enjoy everyday affirmations and take them to heart. They can also build lifelong confidence, starting early!
Here is a list of a few free phrases to get you started:
- I am a child of God
- I can do helpful things
- I can finish things quickly
- I am doing my very best
Why are Affirmations Important to Children?
If you don’t fill little minds with good and positive things, children may resort to negative thoughts in their heads. Plus, if you start a habit when they are young it will help them as they grow older.
Affirmations for boys
Boys may seek out a bit different affirmations, as they tend to like things that are more “weird” or different than a mom would normally think of as an affirmation.
A lot of times, it helps to listen to kids — find out what is important to them. Then, use that and create affirmations that are perfect for them!
Love Affirmations
Loving words can be positive affirmations, but love words are all about feelings vs things they are doing or could do. I, personally, try to mix affirmations with love statements. I find kids really respond to that, they feel great AND they feel loved! What a great thing for a mother to change!
In fact, starting love affirmations is a great family tradition, and everyone can practice and enjoy it!
How Do You Teach Positive Affirmations?
It starts by helping them say positive things. Also, helping kids know that you are saying positive affirmations to yourself in your life as well.
How Can I Help My Child Be More Positive
This is a lot of example. Saying positive things to them, about them, about yourself and about others is an important way to start teaching children to be positive and have success!
Positive Affirmations for Teens
It is important to start kids young, as once kids are teens, it is harder for them to believe positive things. It is one of the skills they will really need to work on in their mind.
By you staying positive and sharing positive things — parents can help them get started with it, and make changes today!
Affirmation Cards for Kids
There are a lot of cool cards available that will catch kid’s eyes, and easy way to get something positive in them every day, and courage them to practice friendly focus on empowering and positive things.
- Renegade Mama’s affirmation cards.
- Power Thoughts (power thoughts is a fun way to think of them!)
- Positive Lunchbox Cards — great for school aged kids!
- Here are some fun/different affirmations for moms!
- There are also tons of printable affirmation cards

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