And So this Is Chirstmas
Do you ever feel that way amongst the wrapping and the food your kids feel they need to eat.
I often look around at my messy, happy living room and think “And So this is Christmas?”
Have you seen this video:

That is Christmas.
I think my favorite part of the show is when the girl says Emmanuel which means
God with us
God is WITH us.
Jesus made the choice to come to this earth and suffer immeasurably for us. He totally gets us, because HE WAS HERE.
Because of Love.
He came because He loves us.
I’ve been reading a lot in in the John’s lately (not IN the John — I’m talking about John 1, 2 and 3). It talks so much about how God is love.
Our church we have a song called “Where Love Is” — the next line is “there God is also”

And I think THAT is Christmas. Santa loves the kids and the spirit of Santa loves everyone. They want everyone to have a Happy Christmas. I was talking to someone who works at a local children’s hospital and she said they get TONS of donations in the 4th quarter. American Girl Dolls — everything you can think of. No one wants sick kids at Christmas, they want happy kids. It touches my heart….
And that’s what I want to give this coming year. This past year I’ve worked on not like I have some control — at least the 2nd half of the year I worked on it.
And this year I want to work on love. I get so frustrated sometimes. I work on a very different timeline than a lot of people. I have expectations that aren’t met.
And I need to work on letting all of that go. And showing more love.
Because where love is, there God is also.
And I want him with me.
He was given
Unto All of Us
Because He loved us. And that’s why He was born:

Have you ever sung Joy to the World?
Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let Earth Receive Her King.
Let Eeee-very haaart, prepare Him rooooom….
Let every heart prepare Him room.
Not in our homes, or our stable or at our table.
But in our heart.
So, I’ll be making room in my heart for more love (by clearing out the less-than loving feelings). How can you make room in your heart this year?
Merry Christmas and be sure to check out #LighttheWorld.
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