There are a LOT of baby products out there, but today I really want to boil that list down to what you NEED for that new baby. I’m hoping to keep this list as short as possible, so let’s see how I do.
I want to emphasize that I was of a VERY limited budget on my first baby. We got lots of hand-me-downs, shopped at garage sales and just made do a lot of the time. That baby was no less-loved by us on subsequent babies we could afford more with. The money you have has NOTHING to do with how much you love or honestly, can provide to your baby. So, let’s use those funds for what you NEED.
Grab my baby checklist here:
Car Seat
If you plan to drive you will need a car seat. The hospital will not let you drive-off without a car seat. In fact, I’m not even sure they do in areas that use public transit more…. but I’ve always been required to see a car seat for baby to go home in.
There are car seats at SO many price points, but this one is the one I liked the most in the hospital, and I hear a lot of parents using. It’s reasonably-priced. Remember, all car seats sold in the US do have to meet certain safety standards, so even if you can only afford a cheaper one you can still know it has met the standards.
Can you use a used car seat?
It’s a valid question. There are a couple of things about used car seats that make people reticent to recommend them:
- After a car seat has been in an accident (ANY accident) it should be discarded — you should NOT use a car seat that has been in an accident. There is a concern people will still try to sell car seats that have been in accidents (although a trusted friend who assures you it has not is something different, in my opinion).
- Car seats do “expire” — their plastic is only certified to last the harsh conditions of living in your car for so long. There should be a sticker with the date on it on your car seat.
I hate the idea of all the car seats filling our landfills, but I also don’t know the right answer here — so take that info and use it as you see fit for your family.
Before we keep going — you don’t have to do all of this alone — don’t forget to make your registry. Most people either use Amazon or Baby List — I love that one because you can put ANYTHING on your registry, even this!

You’ll need some way to deal with your baby’s pee/poop. I recommend people have 2 packs of newborn diapers before baby is born, and then a nice big package of 1’s — so, when baby has grown out of newborns you have somewhere to go.
Newborn diapers are always a great baby shower gift for someone else if you don’t end-up using them, but MOST babies go through at least 2 packs of them, and it gives you some time to not freak out that you’re out.
Honestly, the brands are pretty similar on these tiny diapers, but I liked Huggies, for some reason, a bit better (but would definitely use another brand too).
BTW a lot of things like this should also be in your baby’s hospital bag (to use on the way home) — check out my packing list.
A Place to Sleep
Your baby needs their own place to sleep. This doesn’t need to be fancy but I want to be VERY clear that there is no adult mattress sold in the US that is safe for babies to sleep on. Check out my SIDS post for more on safe sleep. You have a few options….
- A crib will last the longest, and many babies sleep best on the mattresses you can purchase for that.
- You’ll likely want a playpen either way, many people like them early on with baby. A lot of people like this one with a built-in bassinet that makes newborn care pretty easy.
- A bassinet can be handy early on, but once baby can roll you’ll need to find a new place for them to sleep (tends to be 4-6 months old)
This is a GREAT one to get second-hand. We used a friend’s bassinet, and it was so handy (and she was thrilled to not store it between babies). We were happy to give our crib away when we were done too. Families love to help each other (and I’m sure you’ll pass on the favors too).
Having something for your baby to sleep in is probably the ONE thing you need for them to wear. There is obviously lots of cute clothes out there to supplement this — but sleepers have always been my favorite.
I prefer zippers to snaps/buttons. I know there’s the new magnetic ones but they make me nervous. I also prefer zippers that go ALL the way not ones that stop at the upper ankle.
There is a cute 4-pack that fits the bill on Amazon that makes them just over $5/sleeper. They have a boy set and girl set (annoying, but true). I also like that has the zipper cover up at the top as that can stab your baby if it gets twisted wrong.
I should say that I am also a HUGE fan of sleep sacks, but they’re not as versatile. You don’t want them in the sleep sack all day…. In the newborn phase I’ve always done a sleeper and then swaddle over the top. We used sleep sacks once we were dong swaddling.

The rule of thumb is one more layer than you’re wearing. If you want to be naked because it’s so hot — you’ll want to put them in a onesie. If you have on a shirt and shorts you’d put a onesie under that. They don’t need to be fancy, I love a white onesie.
This one may be a shocker, but I think it’s smart to have a bottle or two on hand, and some formula. Back in the day, formula companies would send you these free in the mail but they’ve discouraged them lately.
You can still sign-up on formula websites though, and they will send you some cans and coupons.
Even if you never use formula it’s just nice to know you have some on hand. If you get sick, or baby stops latching in the middle of the night and is screaming it’s just nice to know you have a little safety net in your cupboard.
Here’s the Similac sign-up page, and here is the Enfamil sign-up page. Honestly, I’d sign-up for both. But that’s me. 🙂
As far as bottles I hear people all over the place with these. I used these, but I know lactation really likes these.
Obviously, if you’re planning to bottle feed you’ll want about 8 or so of them.
Be SURE to get a newborn nipple (sometimes called slow-flow) with whatever one you buy. Having the milk coming out too fast can be really problematic.
You need a blanket or a swaddle for the baby. Many parents aren’t fans of swaddling themselves so they love something like this.
As far as blankets everyone seems to love these.
You’ll use these to tuck around baby in the car seat, swaddle them as they sleep. BUT remember no “loose” blankets in their sleep space…. that’s a SIDS precaution. Let’s just quickly review the ABC’s of safe sleep while we’re here:
- A – Alone (no stuffed animals, pillows or blankets)
- B – on their Back (not on tummies like your mom might have done)
- C – in a CRIB or a safe sleep space like a bassinet. Somewhere that’s JUST for them (not your bed).
Ok, those are the ones I consider NECESSITIES — stuff you really can’t/shouldn’t do it without. But, there’s a lot of VERY NICE TO HAVE’s that I’ll list here.
Before we get onto that list though — this isn’t exactly for baby directly, but I have to ask — have you thought about a birth class?
Yes, you can still have your baby without one, but I would put a birth class very high up in the “VERY NICE TO HAVE” category. I recommend this one. It’s quick, easy and actually FUN. Who knew? It’s also available 24/7 so you can join it when you’re ready!
Studies show that birth classes improve birth outcomes and lead to more successful, less-anxious and happier parents.
I think a stroller can be VERY nice to have with a baby. Do you need it first thing? Probably not — but I have seen very few parents think a stroller wasn’t necessary as their baby grew.
This has been the standard “travel system” a lot of parents buy. Most are very happy with it. There’s TONS of them out there though, and it’s SO smart to think about shopping used.
In fact, I encourage new parents to go to a used baby store to see what types of strollers they have so you can test them out. It’s rare to find strollers you can test anymore in stores — so it’s a GREAT option. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a good one there, or you can get on the hunt on your local garage sale or FB market place to find one!
Many parents love a front pack or a sling. I think they can be very handy, possibly more so on second+ babies where you need your hands free more of the time.
I used this one with newborns, and then I used this one once I could flip them forwards — I loved that one, but just didn’t feel secure enough with a little one for me.
This is a sling. It never worked for me — my babies moved a LOT and it just didn’t feel “safe” enough for me. 🙂
TONS of people love the strap kind like this — but again, I’m just not coordinated enough to make it work for me. I much preferred the pre-done kind I showed above.
I think having somewhere to “put” baby when you’re not holding them can be handy.
This can be a blanket on the floor (less “safe” if you have other kids or pets — but TOTALLY fine and I always recommend blanket time either way).
It can be a swing or a bouncer. I had both. I liked how moveable the bouncer was, but my babies also loved the swing and I loved making dinner chatting with them in it.
Remember these are NOT safe sleep spaces — they put baby at an angle that can cause an airway blockage. Be sure to put baby in their sleep space for sleep.
Burp Cloths
You can easily use a rag, or frankly your shirt (been there) but I really liked burp cloths. I used cloth diapers for ours, just like this, but we also had some “cute” ones we took out when we went places.
I would ask for one in the hospital if you can (not all of them stock them). I mostly say this because using a pacifier with sleep is a SIDS precaution, so it’s good to have them.
I have no idea which one is best, we bought a few and found a brand we liked the best. If you’re using bottles often they have a pacifier brand that is similar which is handy.
Baby Wash
Baby’s skin can’t take the soap that you and I use. In fact, early on I hardly used any soap and mostly just used a wash cloth and clean water. You may get some from the hospital and often freebies come in the mail with the formula samples — so I wouldn’t spend a ton on this.
I’ve never been a huge fan of baby lotion, but some people are….
The brand I’ve been the biggest fan of lately is CeraVe — they seem to be a small step-up from what we’ve used before in regards to baby’s skin health.
Nail Clippers/File
I hate baby nails, and I was deciding if I had to put this on the “needs” list. You CAN use a nail file (never worked for me, but I know other people recommend it. You could use YOUR clippers but I always REALLY liked baby nail clippers. They’re not expensive and are a LOT easier than other clippers.
Still a horrible job though.
You’ll notice a LARGE price point difference on things in this area just like you will for lots of other types of baby stuff. I think the basics are just fine though. The rest may add convenience (or frankly, may not — that’s how marketing works, right)?
If you’re starting to feel about all the needs of a newborn (like diaper changes, cutting nails, giving baths) — I actually go over them all in here. That’s part of the Bump to Bassinet Bundle as well!
Diaper Cream
I like two types of this once you get going into parenting — but initially I’d say to get something like this. Something that heals irritated skin.
Later on I really like to have some of this on hand as it provides a barrier for their skin so it doesn’t get as irritated. This tends to be when they have tummy trouble and have a VERY red bottom that hurts — vs just some irritation.
Fyi, Early on wipes can cause some irritation to baby’s skin. I often just used some paper towels with water on early on and then transitioned into wipes as their skin got more tolerant, fyi.
You may be thinking there’s a LOT to newborns. Actually, they’re fairly simple…. You need to feed them, keep them warm, let them poop and give them a safe space to sleep.
I will say the baby isle is VERY overwhelming! There’s so many brands and bells and whistles that are often not worth the extra price (but how do you know unless you have some experience).
Honestly, labor can feel a lot like that. There seems like a LOT of choices out there — and there are, but for each individual person the choices are fairly minimal unless you want more. I can show you the choices and how to make them yourself in The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. Come join me in there. It will be well-worth your dollar (and is one of the cheapest ones out there).
Not sure we’re a good fit check out my free class — It’s your first step towards being your own birth boss.
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