Making the best cookies is something every mom wants for the after school snack. Using your stand mixer will make it easier, with a few tips to use it to its fullest.

I worked in a bakery for a few years in college. We used out stand mixers for EVERYTHING. The professional bakers that I worked under just knew that they make the best-baked goods, the absolute easiest.
BUT, I think a lot of people use their stand mixers, but don’t use them to their fullest. Today I want to share 5 tips to help to make your cookies easier & tastier, by using your stand mixer!
Tips to make the best cookies with your stand mixer
Tip #1 (and honestly, I think this one uses your stand mixer to its FULLEST
Cream your butter and sugar well with your stand mixer
I have always been a little over-afraid of over-mixing my cookies. And, you should be — but NOT until you add your flour.
I will soften my butter (usually 12 seconds on high for a full stick in my microwave, yours might be different –) I often use butter AND Crisco (half and half, or sometimes based on however much Crisco I have — I like to buy it in the sticks because I HATE measuring it), because I think I like that better. But whatever works for you.
Then, I throw that in the mixer and let that run for about 30 seconds until the butter is all softened. Then, I add the sugar and I mix all that together while I gather my other ingredients.
Have you seen butter turn white when you mix it long enough? That’s what you’re looking for, and this step is REALLY important and a really important way to use your mixer. Otherwise, you’d have your hand mixer going back and forth. I sure don’t miss those days! 😀
I used to use a Kitchenaid Mixer, but I have switched to a Bosch Lately. I always thought the Bosch wouldn’t do cookies well — but I was so wrong. It’s weird way of mixing adds air and lightness you won’t get with the Kitchenaid. Be sure to check out my post about Bosch Vs Kitchenaid to learn more about the differences between the two. I also have tips specific to the Bosch Universal Mixer.
BTW, I love this brown sugar saver that I mentioned in the video.
🌸 Spring Sale – Free Gift with Bosch Mixer Purchase!
Buy a Bosch Universal Mixer (in white or Stainless Steel) and get a FREE 3-Piece Glass Vacuum Container Set (no code needed).
Want just the containers? — use code SPRING25 to get them 25% off!
There have also been some re-stocks of fan favorites: See them here!
BTW, if the Bosch is a bit out of your price range — have you seen it’s little sister the Artiste? Motor isn’t quite as strong, doesn’t have the dual drive-shaft, but still a GREAT mixer, and I LOVE the cover. PLUS all parts are interchangeable in the bowl area (paddles, scrapers, lids, etc):
Tip #2 (this one will save you time!)
Use a scraper with your stand mixer
On my Bosch, I have their scraper attachment (you can also get it on Amazon here). I heard this thing is a bit newer and I can’t TELL you how much I love it. I never have to get a spatula in there to scrap down the Bosch. It’s GREAT (if you bought my Bosch Package it almost always comes with the scraper attachment because it’s a favorite of mine).
On the Kitchenaid, I use the sideswipe blade, but I sometimes wish I had another one that was easier to clean. The sideswipe is great for more liquid-y things, like cake batter. Less so for cookies (but great to lick after). Again, make sure that you get the right size for your size of mixer. There’s no shame in stopping your mixer every now and then to scrape. Oh wait, I guess there is. 🙂
Tip #3 (this is a truth no matter how you’re making them.
Half milk chocolate, half semi-sweet chips for the BEST cookies!
I don’t know why but this is SO much better than either on their own, it has nothing to do with stand mixers, just a truth I know. KNOW.

Tip #4 — this one’s for the moms out there!
Stand mixers make it easier to have kids help
It’s easier for you to have kids help when you have a stand mixer. You can be measuring stuff out (a great way to do fractions) while the butter and sugar are creaming (see #1).
NOTE — it is SUPER important to review what a machine your stand mixer is. My kids know they are not to get anywhere NEAR the mixer when it’s running (that’s easier with the Bosch vs the Kitchenaid because the Bosch has a lid the covers the whole bowl)! The end. {see my post on broken bones}
Tip #5 — Cookies are just like you!
Don’t Overcrowd your cookies
Just like a house, cookies need room to grow. I was the worst at cramming a million cookies on a sheet, but then they’d take forever to bake and they’d turn into Siamese twins. Anyway, on my big cookie sheets (which are actually jelly roll pans — I think they’re more versatile) I go 5×3 (so, 15 cookies) now.
I also use this cookie scoop — makes it SUPER easy!
Bonus Tip #6 JUST for Bosch Owners
Bosch Cookie Paddles Keep Breaking
The cookie paddles on the Bosch Mixer are totally weak point.
They break. {crying}
SO, the tip I have is to cream and mix in your eggs with the cookie paddles.
If you plan to add many chunky items then switch to the kneading hook.
For me, as I know the kneading hook is a HUGE PAIN. I will add chocolate chips and pulse a few times, but I don’t recommend full mixing once you have chunks in.
If I’m adding oats, I always change to the kneading hook. It’s a pain, but less of a pain than picking bits of broken paddles out of your dough
This just in Bosch/Nutrimill have produced some new CURVED Cookie Paddles that will help incorporate ingredients better. Keep an eye out for them!
The Truth of Homemade Cookies for an After-School Snack
Kids love cookies, and they know you love them when you bake them. I know this sounds lame, but my kids are extra happy when I have homemade chocolate chip cookies available after school. Sometimes I add beans, I sometimes cook them with fresh-ground whole wheat, and I often try new recipes, but I REALLY try to bake a HUGE batch (I’m talking 6 dozen or more) every couple of weeks. I’m not a single batch girl. I have a REALLY hard time with the 3-5 pm time period so it’s extra nice to start out on a good foot.
Because happy kids are a happy family. What is better than having warm cookies waiting on the wire racks, ready to eat?
Oh, and I really like cookies too.
My Favorite Cookie Recipes
Chocolate chip — I love these, the cornstarch makes for a crispy edge, and the inside is insanely soft!
BUT, I’d love to know YOUR favorite recipe — tell me in the comments! I cookie recipe shop pretty frequently. 🙂
Be sure to grab my weekly meal planner, and check out my other food posts below that:
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pat everett says
use your whip attachment for cakes, it adds air and makes your cake light and fluffy.
Hilary says
Pat, I am always in a routine of just using my paddle — I should try the whip attachment sometime!
Elizabeth says
Hi Hillary
I am looking to buy my first stand mixer and am looking to the Bosch for two reasons. Its lighter and I like the open top. I mostly bake cookies and zucchini bread> I’m baking more than ever now that I’m baking with Almond flour and a sugar replacement. I have been experimenting and have some great recipes. I can now eat cookies every day and not gain weight. My question to you that I have not been able to find anywhere is about small batches. Knowing the Artist and the compact , what are your thoughts on the three mixers if small batches are all I’m doing? My cookie recipe is usually a double batch and includes powdered oatmeal, nuts and white chips. Will the scraper help mix a smaller batch of this size? Usually a total of 4 flour, 4 oats . Thank you so much for your article and your help
Hilary Erickson says
i actually don’t know much about the compact (they’ve never really recommended it when I’ve talked to them). I would think that an 8 cup recipe would be fine in the Artiste or the Bosch. If you’re not planning on doing a lot of bread the artiste should be plenty. Hope that helps!
Minerva says
Thanks for the tip about the cookie paddles. I love chocolate chip and a family heirloom recipe for oatmeal cookies. I usually double or triple the recipes. Then I wrap rolls of dough in aluminum foil and save all but enough dough to make a dozen right now. Then I have dough for fresh cookies whenever I want. Simply slice and bake!
Pulling Curls says
That’s a great tip! Thanks for sharing 🙂