You’re looking to get prepared for your upcoming delivery — which I think is great! Couples in 2024 find online classes to suit their needs most often for a variety of reasons. This article will talk about the benefits of taking a class online, the top classes you should consider and how to decide on the right class for you.
Before we get started, Hi — I’m Hilary. I am the curly head here at Pulling Curls. I’ve been a nurse since 1997 and I have 20 years of labor and delivery experience AND I taught birth classes for my hospital. So, I’m an expert in what you need to think about for your birth class. I’m glad you’re here!
Best Online Birth Classes Cliff Notes:
🤑 Most Affordable: The Online Prenatal Class for Couples (starting at just $89)
🏡 Best for a Home Birth: Mama Natural
💲 Best FREE class: Insider Tips
🧡 Best for Couples: The Online Prenatal Class for Couples
Want to see just the classes I recommend — skip to it here.

Benefits of Taking Online Birthing Classes
There are lots of benefits to taking your birth class online. You’ll find that your parents felt like an in-person class was best, but there are lots of options anymore — most of which don’t include traffic, parking, or finding-out your instructor is a dud once you’re in the class (been there).
Convenience of an Online Childbirth Class
I am sure this is what brought you here — taking a class online is convenient. You don’t have to park anywhere special besides your own couch (or bed!).
The internet has made SO many things so much more convenient, that’s great news! There are lots of types of birthing classes offered online.
Flexibility of Virtual Birth Classes
In 2014 I taught birth classes for my hospital — but trying to mesh two busy people’s schedules for Tuesdays at 6 pm was just hard. One partner would be missing, one was starving, and one was just trying to stay awake after a long day. I knew they weren’t working for the modern couple.
Flexibility is key for busy parents like you.
Let’s not even talk about those marathon weekend classes. Those classes are torture — too long and overwhelming (for the teacher and the student!).
Expert Guidance in your Birthing Class
With an in-person classes, you never really know WHO will teach it.
In reality it may be a great one, or a real loser. You have no idea who will teach your birthing class until you get there. Hospitals have to find a nurse (or someone) to teach it — and sometimes that isn’t always the best.
With social media and free options you can really get to know your instructor ahead of time. It can prove to be a BIG win to have a teacher you know you’ll enjoy!
Cost Comparison of Online Childbirth Classes
In-person classes can be expensive, or sometimes hospitals or birthing centers will “sponsor” them to make them cheaper. However, taking an affordable online birth class will usually be cheaper.
Reminder that you also don’t have traffic, parking, or baby sitter costs with an online course. The convenience usually pays for itself. I am going to outline the classes I consider worthy of a look below, and you’ll find they vary in price from $89 to $350’ish.
Want to know more on pricing, check out this post on the cost of birth classes or this one on the best affordable birth classes.

Top Online Childbirth Classes to Consider
I want to share some top birth classes that you might consider as you move forward with your birth.
1. The Online Prenatal Class for Couples
The Online Prenatal Class for Couples dubs itself as the “easy way to get prepared for birth” — in just three hours you’ll be prepared for pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum life.
It is taught by an L&D RN and has a couple options online (a standard class and then a bundle class) varying from $89-$197 which includes things like:
- The stages of labor
- Breastfeeding
- Pregnancy & birth nutrition
- Infant Care
- Newborn Sleep
- Natural childbirth pain management techniques
This online childbirth education class also includes a postpartum module to help you know how to stay safe after baby is born.
This class is taught by an L&D RN with 20 years of experience.
While this class is geared for couples it can be taken by anyone looking to learn more about labor and delivery.
It prepares you for not only birth, but also pregnancy (third trimester testing), being in labor at home and managing postpartum as new parents. It’s definitely your one stop shop for birth preparation.
2. Evidence Based Birth
Many people take a class that is certified as “evidence-based”.
These are taught virtually, but “in person” meaning you have to book a time that works for you.
The educators must be certified as Evidence-Based Birth instructors and the pricing seems to be in the $250-$350 range. You can find-out more here.
3. Pampers
Pampers has a free series of birth classes that you can sign-up for. You do need to provide an email address to sign-up.
From most of what I see online people take this as a second class, or a “starter” class and then look for something more comprehensive after that.
It might be a good one to try to see if online learning is right for you. These free online birthing classes don’t tend to be “enough” to get you prepared (overall) for birth though.
4. Hypnobabies
If you’re looking to just prepare for the pain of childbirth, Hypnobabies is a great option. I have seen many people use this type of hypno birthing successfully. It starts at $189 for their online version.
Just keep in mind this is only about the pain, not so much about anything else about pregnancy, labor, birth and definitely not for postpartum.
Although, learning stress-managing techniques can surely be helpful for all phases of parenthood. I’ll agree with that! I do, however, recommend taking a class that discusses the rest of pregnancy, labor, birth and managing life after baby.

5. Motherly Birth Classes
Motherly also offers a free class. It seems to cover quite a bit of birth although it’s hard to know until you sign-up for it. I think this would be another great addition to hospital classes or other online birth classes to extend your learning (but it’s hard to know if it’s enough with what is shown online).
I am not sure if it’s right for unmedicated childbirth, childbirth techniques, or covers all the stages of birth. Maybe more like a childbirth 101 class (but you’ll want the full spectrum).
I am also not sure who it is taught by, which makes me think it is certified doulas and childbirth educators. However, Motherly is a huge parenting site and likely will market to you a lot once you have entered the class.
However, additions like this can still be helpful during pregnancy and childbirth.
6. Lamaze
Lamaze has split-up its classes into several of them that seem to be about $40 each.
They tend to talk more about pain management and breastfeeding and seem to be a bit lighter on interventions and how to manage a hospital birth.
Ultimately, having small snippet classes on several topics may appeal to some parents, but may leave you unprepared for specific things in birth that will happen to you.
These classes will be taught by a certified Lamaze instructor (and these were the gold-standard back in the 90’s when childbirth preparation really began). Your mom might be very familiar with them.
7. Built to Birth
Built to Birth seems to be very comprehensive. The class is designed by a doula who is very popular on Youtube.
There are a few fitness classes included as well as breastfeeding and baby care along with traditional birth class modules. It is about $350 dollars and offers a few extra bells and whistles that other classes do not.
I also see ads for this class all over the place (remember, that adds to the price you’ll pay).
8. Tinyhood
You have likely seen Tinyhood birth classes pop-up on your radar as they have a lot of paid advertising all over the internet. Their class is based upon a monthly fee which is billed annually (meaning, if you forget to cancel as a busy postpartum mom you’ll pay the $150 again next year.
As they have a variety of classes available about of pregnancy, and babies — it’s hard to see exactly what is included in their pregnancy classes.
They do seem to be taught by a birth professional though.

9. Kopa
Kopa birth classes have been around for a very long time and has a field of experts that teach in it. It was started by a nurse (although not a labor and delivery nurse). It’s supposed to “transform” your birth and empower you. I see the word “empower” a lot in regards to the birthing experience they hope for you.
The main teacher is a Lamaze educator. They have supplemental materials included, such as hypnobirthing, breastfeeding included with their $245 price.
I think this class is best if you’re thinking about an unmedicated birth.
10. Birth It Up!
Birth in Up! has been well-known for those on Instagram for a long time. She offers childbirth classes initially split into Natural, Cesarean and Epidural and now you get all 3 of those classes included in the $99 price tag.
The classes still seem to be split-up though, so I am not sure which one I would pick if I wasn’t sure what type of birth I would have (which is most people). They do have great reviews though, and I do know Liesel and I love her online presence.
11. Mama Natural Birth Course
Mama Natural is one of the longest-standing birth childbirth courses online and is targeted towards those wanting a “natural” or even a home birth or birth center birth.
I have seen people say they were prepared for the pain but were not prepared for hospital interventions and were possibly negatively taught towards things providers might recommend for safety.
This class focuses on pain management and avoiding interventions. It believes that childbirth is a natural process that if happens unbothered will work out. If that appeals to you, the class starts at $264.
12. The BabyCenter Online Childbirth Class
Baby Center offers some childbirth classes for free. They seem to be short videos you could easily smush into your day but may not be comprehensive enough to entirely prepare you for birth.
However, no email address is required to view them, they are all available on their site.
13. Labor Nurse Mama Classes
Labor Nurse Mama offers online childbirth classes as well as a membership that is included (so be sure to cancel that if you’re not interested in that option.
Once again you need to pick the “type” of birth class you want — natural, cesarean or a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).
Pricing starts at $297 and they do have some order bumps for additional classes (and it does start your membership in her Calm Mama Society).
14. Birth Boot Camp
Birth Boot Camp has also been around for quite a while and they have an online class that starts at $247. I am not exactly sure who is teaching them, but they do look comprehensive and do have tips for your partner as well.
I think this is taught by a trained childbirth educator, but I am not exactly sure.
Ok, that’s my top 14 — while we’re here, can I help you with your birth plan a bit?
There are other classes like Birthing from Within, other hospital or birth center virtual classes, free online birth classes and even prenatal yoga classes (some have birthing techniques too) — but I thought this was a good start. Feel free to check out some classes in your area too (many hospitals and birth centers offer classes, some online). Or, search online for the specific type of birth you’re hoping for to find some classes near you.
I will say that there are many places that have offered online classes in the past, but no longer do. For many it can be an unsustainable business model (and you’ll see a lot have gone to monthly memberships instead of just one class). Many online business coaches recommend this model, but because birth is sort of a one-and-done I’m not sure many people want the membership (I’d love to know what you think in the comments).
How to Choose the Right Online Childbirth Class for You
It’s nice to see that there are SO many options for childbirth education out there. How do you even pick with so many available? What’s right for your pregnancy and birth?
Consider Your Birth Plan for your Prenatal Class
Are you 100% wanting a natural birth? — make sure to pick a class that highlights natural pain management options.
Are you planning on a cesarean birth? — make sure to pick a class that includes that.
The reality is no one really knows exactly how their pregnancy and childbirth will go — so I do recommend getting prepared for ALL of the different types of labor and birth — so you’re prepared no matter what.
Also, where do you plan to give birth? — look for a class that supports that birth.
Look at their Features about Birth
A lot of these come with other options including:
- Workbooks
- Printables
- A book
- Extra videos
Some include lactation help, or how to improve your birth experience. Think about what is important to you.
If you’re a reader, look for one that has text or a book included.
If you prefer video, look for one that has that for your childbirth preparation.
If you like to do a workbook with the videos, grab one that has that. We all learn in different ways, and a good class should support different types of learning.
What is Your Budget?
These different birth classes are clearly at different prices varying from $89-$350 — so, ask yourself what amount is best for you?
You may find that classes taught by certified childbirth instructors often cost less, because the instructor has less experience (although, in looking at them, I’m not sure that is the case).
Those that don’t include as much video, or “bells and whistles” may cost less. OR classes that have been around a long time like The Online Prenatal Class for Couples may cost less because they can average out the cost of childbirth classes amongst several participants.
These classes cost a lot (some more than others) — so you want to be sure that you’re getting what you paid for. Many offer a money-back guarantee if the class isn’t what you were hoping for — which is good news.
Remember that sometimes your insurance will cover the cost of childbirth classes, and if you have money in an HSA you can usually use that to cover the prenatal classes.
Read Reviews and Testimonials for your Childbirth Class
This is one of my favorite things about buying something online — it is so easy to see what other people thought about the childbirth educator. What did the classes cover (or actually cover — as some people tend to over promise and under-perform). Reading reviews (especially when collected by a third-party) can be so helpful!
Look for free birth class versions?
One thing is that most of these have some free online offerings you can look at to see if the prenatal and childbirth educator is right for you. These can also prepare you in small snippets for giving birth.
It’s important to look at those free offerings as “appetizers” to see if you want the “full thing” rather than taking the place of a full class.
Check the Childbirth Educator’s Credentials
Some of them are pretty fuzzy for what type of experience the educator has for their virtual birthing classes. Things I would encourage you to look for:
- Length of experience
- If they have credentials
- If they have a license (it is really easy to certify in things, but a license usually has specific requirements in each state).
Personally, I prefer a licensed professional with many years of experience over a certified childbirth educator. While many of those companies (including being certified by the International Childbirth Education Association) probably prepare their teachers well, they may not actually have hands-on knowledge that you’re looking for.
Understanding birth is best done when it is someone engaging, and dare I say — funny? They can use their own birth stories along with years of experience to really get you prepared.
Will Your Prenatal Class Prepare Your Birth Partner?
Most people like a in-person childbirth class because they know their partner will be there with them. But you can still take a childbirth class with your partner virtually. Just make sure to take one that includes them. The Online Prenatal Class for Couples really has that part down to a science.
She says that she will make your partner a teammate, not just a cheerleader.
Tips for Making the Most of Your Online Childbirth Class Experience
The bad news is that picking out the class is just the beginning, you still will need to invest some time into the class to get it done!
Set Aside Dedicated Time for Learning
I recommend either making habit of watching some of the course at specific points in your week:
- Sunday Brunch
- On Tuesdays before you watch TV
- Nightly during dinner
So you are able to complete the course (hopefully with your partner).
If you think that you just won’t complete it on your own — it might be best to see what classes are offered at your local hospital or birthing center.
Good classes are usually split into videos < 20 minutes. Some are split into 3 minute segments, and some are really long — so decide what works best for you.
Engage with the Community and Ask Questions
Many of these birth classes come with private groups in which you can engage with other participants and ask questions. Don’t hesitate to do that, the more people engage the better you all learn!
Practice Techniques and Exercises at Home
Did you learn some techniques that will help you to manage the pain during the birth process? Practice those with your partner throughout your week. You can do it in the car together, or while you’re watching TV.
These types of things are best done when you do them quite a bit leading up to the birth rather than just during your vaginal birth (as I’m sure you can imagine).
Follow Up with Your Healthcare Provider
These virtual classes should be a springboard for asking questions of your provider about you and your birth. They won’t have all the answers for what your birthing process will be — but they should cover common interventions you might see — and then you can ask your provider about the risks & benefits for yourself.
Birth classes are a great SUPPLEMENT to good prenatal care, but do not replace it. It does, however, free up time in your appointments to not have to talk about the “basics” but instead talk about you, your wishes and needs during birth.
What should be included in a virtual childbirth class?
Great question. There is a lot to cover in the labor and birth process (but do NOT forget the rest too) — I recommend one that covers:
- Pregnancy (including third trimester testing, which is when a lot of choices are made)
- Labor (especially at home before going to your birth setting)
- Birth (including relaxation techniques)
- Postpartum
Any good class should cover all types of birth — giving birth without an epidural, with an epidural, inductions or cesareans should all be covered — because you never know how birth will go.
Anyone planning to breastfeed their new baby I recommend taking a breastfeeding class taught by an IBCLC. That will be important moving forward. Some of the classes mentioned include one, some do not.
While some of these classes also offer parenting classes in addition — I find it is best to find an expert on each topic (because no one is a master of all the things). However, many offer some newborn care information that can be really helpful as you do the “tasks” of the baby moving forward.
I like how The Online Prenatal Class for Couples has a dietician, a lactation consultant and a baby sleep expert teach those bonus videos within it. I like it when a teacher knows they don’t know everything and recruits other experts.
Personally, I think childbirth and parenting classes should be taught by two very different people — but that’s me (as a mom to three myself I am no parenting expert).
Other classes you might consider:
- Infant and child CPR (I recommend a hands-on class for this as it is hard to teach virtually)
- Something specific for your support people (or at least make sure they are included)
- Baby care classes
- Classes to help you transition into motherhood
- A new mom support group or group classes
While childbirth classes are a great start, having local friends who are going through the same thing as you are can be a huge support moving forward.
Is a Online Birthing Class Worth it?
The good news is that studies show that a birth class can improve your birth outcome. Being prepared for the birth of your baby can lower cesarean and induction rates overall! Proper birth education can also lead to less birth trauma after wards.
What Online Class is Best?
It shouldn’t be a surprise that I recommend The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. While there are lots of types of childbirth classes online — it has been around a long time, it is taught by an RN with lots of experience, it has a couple of price points depending on your budget and it really prepares you for pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Hilary has often said that she wasn’t prepared at all after the healthy birth of her first baby — and is working to help you prepare for not only your own birth but after baby is born too. Her approach to childbirth welcomes all types of childbirth and prepares you for the birth you will end-up having (and encourages you to speak up and involved in your own care more).
Even if you’re just looking for a “normal” birth — it is the class for you!
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