Riding a bike can be great for weight loss, or just to get around! Let’s talk about how to ride a bike for adults, and also how to teach children how to ride a bike without training wheels.

Even if you’re an adult who wants to ride a bike, or a child who’s ready to ride without training wheels, this no-fall method will have you cruising your neighborhood in no time!
It’s surprising that my kid’s first words haven’t been “careful” – as I think they hear that more than any other word as they grow up. I’m a paranoid mom, raising cautious kids.
It’s not that I’m proud of it – it’s just a fact at this point and as I was teaching my daughter to ride her bike sans training wheels I was regretting all those “careful” moments.
We removed the trainers when she was about 5. She was a great bike rider and I knew she’d just take off!
But, oh — the tears, and tears, and tears made us put them back on.
But, a year later I was sure that she was ready, but she – again was not. While I was holding her bike seat and running by her I tripped giving us all a nice fall and scrapes. The tears were back – pleading for the training wheels to go back on.
After the tears had died down, cool heads prevailed and I turned to a good friend – YouTube.
It was time to see if there were any good videos about riding your bike. She and I looked at them together and I have to say it was my best move yet. Much better than tripping while trying to help her.
YouTube had a bounty of great videos that helped her feel like she could do it.
This one in particular was really great for her.
How to ride a bike
It was a 5-minute solution (which we turned into working on each step for a couple of days, and within 5 days she was riding on her own and SO proud of it. I was crazy proud OF her. It was a huge win for all of us. Yes, there were still a few spills, but nothing too crazy and she got up and tried again.
Riding a Bike Without Training Wheels

I am not sure that this would work as well for kids who haven’t ridden quite a lot, but she was very familiar with her bike, so she was certainly ready to ride…. she just was too nervous. This system was great!
Ok, let’s talk about the steps in this system which will teach you how to ride a bike without training wheels
- Use your feet to propel you forward, not using the pedals, and allowing your feet to catch you (this is easy to do if you have a balance bike, but we never had one of those — you can also remove the pedals at this stage, that will basically make a kick bike).
- Practice turning as you do that.
- Now practice with one foot on a pedal, and one foot kicking along — again, practice turning and breaking as you work this step.
- Now, bring up both feet onto the pedals. Make sure you practice using the hand brakes, vs bringing your feet down.
Tips for how to ride a bike as an adult
The steps are really the same as a child. Just be sure to take it slow and really get your balance on the bike before you move to the next step.
Now, this next part is especially for moms, who may have issues with the bike seat:
Moms – you might see your kids riding with so much pride, thinking that family bike rides would be great. And, you’re right. But for me – my pelvis split when I had Princess P and I have had a hard time riding a bike since then. I am working on it though. Here are a few tips for moms trying to ride a bike:
- Skootch back. I was riding Right on the baby exit area. Apparently, in my head, that was where you were supposed to ride. Instead, you’re supposed to ride on your sit bones (those are the bones you sit on). For me, that was done by scooting back on my seat.
- Tip your seat forward. By tipping the front down a little bit, it allowed me to scoot back better and ride on just my sit bones. Rather than any pressure on your lady parts. I have a friend who actually broke her clitoris by riding right on that front part too hard. Don’t do it!
- Bike shorts – you can get good, quality padded biker shorts for not too expensive. I just got this pair off Amazon. It doesn’t ride up and is super comfortable.
- Padded seat – grab a padded seat – I’ve always gotten a cover (not the full seat). They last pretty well, even in Arizona where it gets really hot (although, my bike is kept in the garage, and not in the direct sun).
- Sit more upright. Keep your pelvis more upright, vs leaning forward (like a racing biker). That will keep you from leaning into your lady parts.
How to ride a bike to lose weight
While you might be tempted to jump right into a spin class, it can be smart to start slow and bike for enjoyment.
Going on family bike rides is really fun, but it can take a while to get back to it, especially if you’ve had pelvis issues with childbirth . I’m a good 4 months into my bike riding experience and it still hurts a lot, but I enjoy doing it, and I hope that my endurance will build up.
And it might even repair my symphisis pubis by building those muscles (I sure hope so!)
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Erin says
I’ve been searching for info about split pelvis- did you do any physical therapy for it? Or just regain strength on your own?
Hilary says
No, but I Should do a post on it!!!!
Juliet says
Is thwre a class fpr.riding bicycle that you offer…thanks a lot..i want to learn how to ride a bicycle…..
Hilary says
Did you watch the videos? They’re really helpful!