SO. MANY. NUMBERS. With blogging. There just are. There's hits, and sessions, like 20 income streams (when you're doing good) that are Continue Reading
How to Be a Fun Parent
I pictured a "fun" parent as one who got down on the floor and played Polly Pockets or Legos. Turns out, I'm not that mom. I can't really engage Continue Reading
You’ve Got Mail! 9 Subscriptions To Get Kids Excited About Learning
Do you ever look at your kids at Christmas and just see them overwhelmed by all the bills that surrounds them? For small kids, especially (my teen Continue Reading
Buying Christmas Gifts On A Budget
Christmas, it's the spirit of joy and a reminder of Jesus Christ and all that is good and happy in this world. I won't even let my kids talk aboutthe Continue Reading
The Man’s Man Gift Guide
If you have a husband or male in your life that loves the great outdoors I have some great gift ideas for you. Continue Reading
Gift Guide for your Pre-Engineering Teen
My son already wants to be an engineer. He loves how things work. He loves all things electronics. Not just for the game of the, but Continue Reading
Gift Guide For Your Techno Tween
My boys would rather be on the computer (or a computer-like device) than pretty much anything in the world. We'd be at Disneyland and they still Continue Reading
The Big Christmas Card Reveal!
This post is sponspored by -- do NOT look if you're on my Christmas card list... you'll want to wait for the surprise come December! Is Continue Reading
Buying Family Health Insurance
When we moved to Arizona I was faced with a really low salary from the mister, along with GIANT insurance costs for our family. We had really been Continue Reading
Gift Guide For The Crafty Girl
But MOM, I WANT an American Girl doll! She sighs as she thumbs through the catalog. Main problem, she really doesn't. Not at all. Continue Reading