My husband had a rough year. I don't think he's had "real" day off in weeks. Between teaching, and his own classes at ASU, and playing scoutmaster. Continue Reading
Circle UP!
I just made a google plus page for this blog. You can see it above on my header, it's the one with all the circles.Please add me to your Continue Reading
Family Games: For Kids of All Ages!
Our family loves to play games. We REALLY try to play a game each and every Sunday, as it is a wonderful family activity, in my book. There are SO Continue Reading
When Amusement Parks Aren’t Amusing.
I have one child, in particular, who has a REALLY hard time with "fun" stuff. It has happened twice, probably because we don't frequent this Continue Reading
Celebrate the Refiners Fire
Yesterday was 3 years (!) from when Drew got his pink slip. I did a blog post about how hard it was, but turned out great, last year. Then, Continue Reading
A Check from Google
Frankly, it's not even a check. It's a bank transfer. Fairly anticlimactic, but it's ALL. MINE. At the end of the year I was wondering what this Continue Reading
Yo. Yo. March! Whazup?!
I'm so gangsta'.Anywho, lots is going on around here this month and I'd be sad to not share it. Or at least get it down.El Presidante just Continue Reading
Presidency Meeting Agenda
I have a quick agenda for each Primary Presidency meeting and I thought I'd share it and see if anyone has anything else that they review, or things Continue Reading
Menu Plan March 2014
It's heading into spring here in the desert, but I'm trying to still do some soups from the last meal plan... on top of those I'm doing: Pork Continue Reading
Live True.
Ok, a little time out for a proud mamma moment.The Gilbert Temple has been toured and visited. I've taken good friends, who have become better Continue Reading