I love my church. I love the gospel, I love Jesus Christ.But there is one thing that mystifies me.How much is enough, and when do I know that Continue Reading
Oh man peeps, I am just having a HARD Time. Last week I worked a TON and I didn't do well. Sunday we had our final primary program Continue Reading
Menu Planning
Here's this week's menu plan. I love seeing other people's menu plan to give me quick, easy and tasty ideas. I'm not sure mine fits that bill, but Continue Reading
Sharing Time: God Answers Prayers in Many Ways
This week's topic is on how God answers prayers in many ways. It's confusing as it was also last week's topic and my good counselor already Continue Reading
Sharing Time on Prayer
Tomorrow's sharing time is how the scriptures teach us how to pray. This has many great themes, including how to pray as well as finding answers to Continue Reading
There’s a NEW president in the house!
Step over El Presidante, because there's a new president in this house, and it's me.Yesterday, I was called as the primary president in our ward. Continue Reading
My Wittle Baby is a Teenager
As Mr Rogers would say,I think we turned 5 here.Today is a very special day. A very, very, very special day. A very, very, very, very, Continue Reading
Hey Honey, this crazy Mormon is using Beans in Cookies!
I know, who am I? I garden, I know WAY more about our drip system then my husband, I compost, I am a plumber. I am making myself sick just Continue Reading
New Favorites
I have a lot of favorite recipes. When something tasty is for dinner, it sure does seem like the whole day is brighter. Here are some of our Continue Reading
Great Things About Camping
We went camping last weekend. It was my first time, ever. Sure, we'd camped at Drew's parents land, but they live just up the road so it's not Continue Reading