A couple of years ago my amazing aunt started a grief center in the Salt Lake Valley.It is a family grief center based around faith (not just the LDS Continue Reading
What does Jesus Want YOU For
Because he wants this one for a Sunbeam. And I can't blame him, she's pretty bright and shiny...She certainly showed bright in Primary my little Continue Reading
MomHacker: Writing
I just went to a little writing thing at our elementary school. On a sidenote, we pay over 10k for people to come teach our teachers how to help Continue Reading
Mom-Hacking #1: Fasting
I added LifeHacker to my flipboard. I really like how they break down a few things to show you how to make them easier. Turns out, they Continue Reading
Merry Christmas
The eve of Christmas is upon us and it turns out that if you're not in my intial batch of Christmas cards, I lose will to keep sending, but if I got Continue Reading
Replacing Fear with Gratitude #20: Princess P
When I look at this little wonder a lot of fears are eased.We spent a few years wondering if there would be a #3, and when labor and delivery nurses Continue Reading
Gratitude Replacing Fear #15: Mr Middle
Mr Middle got his name by being in the middle."Marsha, Marsha, Marsha" was also a contender, but I went with Mr Middle.Here are my top 10 reasons I am Continue Reading
Fear Replaced by Gratitude #12: El Presidante
**Some of you may not know why Mr C gets the name "El Presidante" on my blog. The other two are kind of self explanatory. He ran for Continue Reading
Oh, what a day
I knew today would be a roller coaster of a day....The up's: seeing old friends at church, so much fun. We had such a great ward.Watching Conner pass Continue Reading
Not All Together
I know the blogging world in general tends to make it look like a person has it all together.Let me just say I don't.Our dear friend's passing has Continue Reading