Sometimes you shouldn't get up at 5 am and look at your email, beacause it might be the saddest of news. It, in fact was very sad news...One of Continue Reading
Photo Friday: Firstly Dayly
Isn't the first day of school great? Every one's so "let's go get'um" and up early and excited to see everyone. It's such a great new Continue Reading
Too Fast
Lately I just want to stand in the middle of the room and scream STOP!!!! I hate how time is flying by this summer. I'm not able to soak Continue Reading
Moving Tips For Older Kids – tips that work!
And, my final a "year later" post, because it truly has been a year. On year ago tomorrow, actually. A year since we packed up our hopes and dreams, Continue Reading
Garden of Your Mind
Has anyone seen this cool re-mix of Mr Rogers?I have a little secret that I adore this man. He is actually the main reason we got Amazon Prime, Continue Reading
Summer Learning
Schools out soon around here and it's time to get on the summer learning train.Toot-toot!I went to Lakeshore and came out with these 2 books:A few Continue Reading
A Year Ago
A year ago today:I got flowers from Drew. Note: I hate flowers, I think they're a wate of money. I'm sorry Drew, but it's Continue Reading
36 Random Things about me.
Well, happy birthday to me! I got up early to balance the checkbook. Well, there's #1.1. I sort of like to balance my Continue Reading
Love, Marriage and the Baby Carriage
I met Drew on my 20th birthday. Was I even 20? I think so.1. Sometimes I wish I hadn't gotten married so early. I won't Continue Reading
Courgage in College
I remember the night before marching band camp (waiving to Megan). Being SO worried about this new life I'd procured.Would people like me, would I Continue Reading