I bet you're wondering if I remember my high school fight song. Sure, I played it countless times in the band. But do i? No. I think I can find it Continue Reading
That’s So Jr High.
My Jr High Experience was fair.{inside joke}In reality I HATED it.Miss T who taught English, who had it out for me. Our crazy band teacher who I Continue Reading
It’s Elementary
As my 36th year is coming to a close, I though it might be fun to do a walk down memory lane. The fun thing about Facebook is that a lot of my Continue Reading
Photo Friday: Headache.
Yuck, I hate headaches, don't you?Needless to say, my photos show WHY I have a headache. I think. Let's see what we have here Continue Reading
April 28th.
3 years ago I spent much of the day crying. I was SO sad that I was going to have to be induced. It just wasn't FAIR that I was twelve Continue Reading
My Current Grocery Shopping Plan
It's taken me a bit to figure out a food storage plan. Of course, it took me a good 3 or more years at my last house, so I figure 9 months isn't too Continue Reading
Life Well Lived: Paper Clutter
Here's my question of the month:How do you organize paperwork both online and off? Share your tip(s) to managing physical and digital clutter!Sadly, I Continue Reading
Photo Friday: Hot Desert Flowers
Spring break in the desert means BIG fun. Get excited.Sadly, I don't have before and after pictures of all the places I've cleaned, that really Continue Reading
Photo Friday
{sigh}WHAT A long week! I'm excited to play with the kids a bit this weekend and just CHILL-AX. Can I get an amen!?Well, let's see what Continue Reading
Photo Friday: Late
Somehow I missed the pictures of Spencer's baptism. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?Oh, that's right. I'm lazy. :)Anywho, without further Continue Reading