I thought I'd never say it.I was so in love.The paper, the stickers, the feel of the cardstock the love of the sport. The whole. nine. yards.I Continue Reading
My Thoughts on the Birth Control Issue
In other news, Amazon sells themorning after pill, it doesn't even costenough to get super savershipping....I hate the birth control issue. I Continue Reading
It’s Great to be Eight!
8 adjectives to describe Mr Middle1. Responsible - the kid gets his stuff done and signed off EVERY night.2. Giggly -- is that a Continue Reading
The Widow’s Mite isn’t Romney’s Mite
I read an article referring to "all Mitt Romney has done for the LDS church." I'm not sure exactly what they were talking about, but I think Continue Reading
Photo Friday: School
P started her own ABC school this week, and her mom volunteered to host it. P's mom has obviously lost her mind, and hasn't worked in Continue Reading
Happy Birthday Mr E.
Photo from the amazing Shannon MontezHappy Birthday to the man in my life! Drew sure puts up with a lot of hulla-baloo from me. I mean, Continue Reading
Arizona Planting Guide
I have had a hard time wrapping my head around the whole planting season here in Phoenix, which is mildly problematic because I have really been Continue Reading
Merry Christmas
The stockings are hung on the bookshelf with care the monkey bread is rising in the warm AZ air the cards are all sent, if you didn't get one it's Continue Reading
Photo Fridays: Happy Holidays!
Finally got some pictures of the kids in front of the tree...Mr. Middle's kind of in the "ugly smile" phase... my apologies, but I really tried to Continue Reading
How’s that Workin’ For Ya’?: Wheat grinder
Anyone remember way back in the day when I had the inner turmoil on whether to buy a wheat grinder, or NOT to buy a wheat grinder? I've had it for Continue Reading