First off, guess who got her craft on. I KNOW. It's been totally missing for quite some time, but I really liked this project, and I Continue Reading
Photo Friday
P and I just happened to be at the mall this week when I noticed there wasn't a single kid in line to see santa... after letting the girl kno I wasn't Continue Reading
How Much Fun We Had: The Star Wars Edition, take 2.
Oh man, do I love Halloween. I just love how silly you can be, and pretend to be someone else. There were lots of time this year that I wanted to BE Continue Reading
Miracle Monday: Traditions
Erickson Halloween Circa 2010... no, this isn't what we're doing this year. I know when this all started. I really do. I was picking out Continue Reading
Just Sayin’
Things you don't want to hear in Las vegas:"Mom, do you know what I just saw in the stall in the bathroom?"While my eyes got really big he told me the Continue Reading
Menu Plan Monday, and a plea for help
Her's what's on tap: Korean Meatballs -- from Cooking light, if you like Korean bbq flavors, this one does them nicely in a mealball flavor. Continue Reading
With His Pants On Fire
The lying has crept back into our house, mostly from el Presidante. I'm not sure if he just didn't do it for a while, because he could tell Continue Reading
Photo Friday: Potty cute.
Get it, potty cute. Pretty cute.Potty funny. :DAnywho... I did go into work last night, and I may have re-gained a couple of brain cells. Continue Reading
Potty Training Day #1
I oddly enough realized that I wrote up Spencer's potty training on this blog too. Man, I've come full circle. How sad.Today was fraught Continue Reading
School Days
It was hard today. So conflicting. So JOYOUS to have them GONE, GONE, GONE! We've had far too much togetherness this summer. Continue Reading