Ok, so as I've mentioned before we don't have a DVD player or playerS in our car. It's a conscious decision I've made to make car time one of Continue Reading
Do They Sell Patience at Amazon?
I've really started to study my "trial". I mean, I kind of feel like I'm in the "when it rains it pours" area of my life as of late. My dad was Continue Reading
Not Today
{sigh}The job, the job we thought brought all of this on because it was so terribly perfect... that job is going to someone else.I'm not going to lie, Continue Reading
What’s Up Wednesday
According to our census records there are FIVE people at this household. Seems like we're all focused on one of us lately... but we all have lives Continue Reading
Tuesday’s Tiny Tidbit…
No one gets how Drew is getting laid off. He's been at that high school for years, he does a great job... so let me spell it out to you.When Continue Reading
Photo Friday: Ireland Rocks.
OH my gosh, could this blog be any MORE about me and my troubles? Sick of it. Off to what our family is doing, because we all know life Continue Reading
Darn Emotions
I think this is starting to sink it. This morning I actually said "I think we might be moving" and you might as well let the hoover dam break at Continue Reading
The Easy Path of Wallowing
I just feel like I'm on a pendulum right now. One moment I think we'll end-up staying, the next I'm sure we won't, and in between I am in the Continue Reading
Want Me To Be Your Neighbor?
Have you ever read my blog and thought, darn I wish she was my neighbor. I'd love to go grind some wheat with her....You have?Well, this is your Continue Reading
A Little Info On Unions
Since Drew and I have both gone through layoffs in the past 6 months I thought I'd share a little info on unions. It seems like people don't Continue Reading