Today is the day the pink slips have to go out to teachers around California.Drew happened to get his early, since he wasn't going to be in the states Continue Reading
TMI Tuesdays: Poisoning
I had a request for poisonings.Not to poison someone... silly.What to do if your child has ingested something!Honestly, this one's super easy.Call Continue Reading
Well, Hello Mr. President
I didn't want to jinx him on Photo Friday, but Conner's been working hard to run for student body president at his elementary school.And, Continue Reading
Seven is Heaven…
How did this 9 pound bundle of love and joy turn into the boy called Spencer? I must admit that Spencer's birth is the least clear in my Continue Reading
Work Drama, Over. :)
As if all the drama is over, I doubt it... I do work with all women...but today I did sign for the same job I have. It's super annoying I went Continue Reading
Motherhood Monday
Sometimes I don't think I give motherhood the perks it deserves. I mean, I often feel like it's drudgery, don't get me wrong... but I also adore Continue Reading
TMI Tuesdays: My Tailbone Woes
So, some long time followers may remember my tailbone woes. When P was about 9 months old I decided that it wasn't fixing on its own. I Continue Reading
The Story of My Ring
Well, el cheapo is on my hand right now (it isn't that one, but wouldn't that be cute?), and the real one sits in a lovely safe deposit box, safe from Continue Reading
My Uncle Brad — the Bradley Center for Grieving Children and Families
My uncle Brad died in a plane crash when I was 20 years old. I was a sophmore at BYU and it hit me hard. I mean, there is no time in your Continue Reading
A Very Merry Christmas
Nothing says Merry Christmas like staying home with a sick child after taking care of one of the most selfish patients I've ever met.But, Christmas it Continue Reading