This is an amazing story.Photo from the Daily Herald Page -- go read their amazing article!There was a picture of Jesus Christ hanging in the Continue Reading
Building Sadness
In Utah, they build tabernacles like Californians build Missions. Each of the larger older towns in Utah has one. Provo has a lovely Continue Reading
A Little Life Drama for Your Reading Pleasure
Sorry about last night's overly dramatic blog post. I just wasn't quite ready to "put it out there" and really type what's going on. Continue Reading
A Gentle Reminder
Suffice it to say that today hasn't been my favorite day of all time.I got some pretty ugly news.But then it was straight home with like 12 kids (ok, Continue Reading
Photo Friday: FORE!
No, it's not about golf, I'm saying FORE so you'll duck before you get hit WHAM in the face by all these amazing photos. :)Anywho....Christmas is all Continue Reading
Dance Party Ala Us (quality is poor, but the dancing is great)
Recent Five Star Recipes
Lots of good food at our house lately. Tonight we had Spicy Chicken Shawarma -- it was SO good. And easy, and healthy! My kids tend to like pita Continue Reading
The Girl Just Won’t Learn
Uh, let's just take a guess at how long this little wonder cried for last night? What'd you guess, like an hour... two hours... oh, higher Continue Reading
Time to Buckle Down Little Girl
Not ONLY was this weekend full of festivities and fun, but it was also Paige's 18 month-day. That's right, my little girl is turning from a baby into Continue Reading
Halloween, and a few more photos
Honestly, I'm not sure anything gives my heart a little more joy than seeing a little person in a costume. Take this:I mean, when was the last Continue Reading