Back at the menu grind, what a surprise! Here's what's up for the week: Chicken Florentine (recipe has 83 points total, I think normally I'll Continue Reading
Menu Plan Monday
Well, somehow our menu got off last week. Not sure how. Here's what's on the docket for this week: Chickpeas with Broccoli Rabe and Bacon -- Continue Reading
Hello Utah!
Here I am in Utah! I actually found out my grandpa died yesterday AM about 6:30 and I bought my ticket for a 10 am flight by 7 am. It was Continue Reading
Have You Ever Been This Happy?
Somehow, I doubt it. And that yawning one, doesn't that just capture how you feel many days? I made her this hat, I know you're Continue Reading
Merry Christmas to all!
Here's the bad news, if you haven't gotten a card from me yet, you ain't gonna get one.My apologies.Here's the good news, I'm posting it here. The Continue Reading
TMI Thursday: The truth about Caudal Epidurals
I'm mostly writing this beacuse I couldn't find much online about it. I'd like to have known a bit more about the procedure before it happened Continue Reading
Menu Plan Monday
First off, a rating of last week's new dishes: Broccoli Pie: I've made this one before, but somehow I used "cut broccoli" instead of "chopped Continue Reading
Menu Plan Monday
Ahh, back on track after Halloween. Doesn't it feel nice? Pasta: Beefy Noodles with Sour Cream Sauce (Desperation Dinners is a serious go-to for Continue Reading
Welcome to Neverland
And now for the group shot: Ok, now for a run-dow of how everything was made: Peter Pan: Hat from a friend Continue Reading
TMI Tuesday: Pink Eye
Again, after another week without questions I sojourn on with topics I get asked a lot. PINK EYE! Pink eye comes in two forms -- viral, and Continue Reading