I just HAVE to say that I've had a few old friends come out and say they lurk on my blog and they love me.And I LOVE THEM.Really, it's so nice to feel Continue Reading
Parent Teacher Conference
Do you ever walk into parent teacher conference wondering why you're there? Seems like just yesterday my mom was meeting with crazy Mr Wilcox, or Continue Reading
What’s Up Wednesday
Sometimes I think I don't talk enough about my kids on my blog... after all, they're pretty much my life....So, since it's P's "month-day" yesterday, Continue Reading
Menu Plan Monday
I'm really trying to re-focus my life. Get onto what's important, and also what's important on the blog -- what's helpful to people. I enjoy it when Continue Reading
Fatty Potatoes
The Next Food Network Star gave a recipe on the show to make au gratin potatoes with your kids. I kind of fiddled with her recipe, and came-up with Continue Reading
First Day: A Nervous Reversal.
Today is a very special day.... a very, very, very special day.... Today is the day we've waited for. They say it's the first day, Continue Reading
He’s Leaving Me
No, not Drew. Although, I'm fairly sure he has just cause.Spencer. He's going... and frankly, I haven't thought of it all that much. I know the Continue Reading
Moments of Pride
The shift to being back at home is tiring, as is any shift. I'm slowly remembering my kids don't listen to me, they talk the entire day and they are Continue Reading
P at 3 months.
P turned 3 months today, and I woke-up to thoughts of what I should have her wear. I love these little jumpers, we have a couple of them and they look Continue Reading
Decision, decisions
I hate my living room. I mean, I don't hate it -- but it does look like DI threw-up in my living room and that's what we have. A used piano, a couch Continue Reading