It's times when every single child in your home is bawling that you have to remember the sweet times.Yesterday at church P was staring SO hard at S -- Continue Reading
It was “THAT” night
Last night was the night, happy 4th to me indeed. Hopefully it doesn't require fireworks every time, but GUESS WHO slept from 10 pm to 7 am! That's Continue Reading
The Blessed Event
I flipped through the old scrapbooks this morning.Looked at Conner's blessing* day. Almost all family who helped to bless them, including lots of Continue Reading
Help, I’ve Fallen into Monotony
This morning I forgot my wallet at the grocery store (I left it at home, so I had to pack us all up, come home, get it and go back -- at least it Continue Reading
Going Home
Well, the time has come. It's time for the help to be done. Drew's back to work. Mom's going home today. I'm on my own. After the Continue Reading
Halla to the 2 weeks.
Guess who's 2 weeks today. I know, you're disappointed -- no pictures, but she's not even awake for the day yet... so I only have 12 minutes of Continue Reading
Gosh, whatcha up to?
Funny you should ask... things are getting exciting around here. We're (translated, me) are really trying to get P on a schedule. However, Continue Reading
Time to be Done
I am not a good decision maker, I just can't seem to make up my mind -- mostly on the simple things. But I've had to make a decision. Since the Continue Reading
I really get SO anxious after I nap. I'm talking the deep breathing kind of you feel like the world is tightening around you kind of Continue Reading
In THAT Moment
I've been wanting to write a blog about this since the moment it happened -- but it slipped my mind and it's such an amazing moment, I wanted to do it Continue Reading