Guess who's a week old today. Well, this evening to be more precise... on Monday night we had a little birthday party for her (hard to say if we had Continue Reading
Funnies from the Land of Lactation
I am pumping, today -- at one point, I got 10 cc's -- it was a pretty happy time. The rest of the time I seem to get about 5 cc's -- that's 10 minutes Continue Reading
Much Better
Doing much better this morning. They sent the social worker to talk to me in the hospital, because I had checked the box for having had postpartum Continue Reading
Baby Blues, or a lack of pink
Note to reader: This is not an attempt to get sympathy. This is just an article -- read it as you would an article on Newsweek -- please distance it Continue Reading
Me, Slowly Pulling My Hair Out
Well, I've officially reached ugly. Baby cried much of the night, no apparent reasons. The nurses said to be careful with how much she was eating, Continue Reading
Home, night 1
I always hate the first night home. I dread it. In fact, I was almost having a panic attack on Thursday night at the hospital. I don't know if it was Continue Reading
Induct Me
After contraction for HOURS on Tuesday night, absolutely nothing was happening by the morning, so we were off to the hospital. Luckily we had our Continue Reading
Home Again
Alright, it's done -- she's out -- and she's all ours. And she IS a she. Let the cutting of tags begin. Home today. Laceration hurting Continue Reading
The Woman Who Knew Too Much
I love all of you. So many kind words. Yet none of what you're telling me is anything new. I've probably induced 100's of women in my life. None Continue Reading
Nothing's going on, and I'm getting a little sad. Actually, I'm getting depressed. I really thought today would be the day. I REALLY don't want to Continue Reading