Still pregnant -- that pretty well says it all. However, yesterday S came down with a little cold, and he woke-up a couple of times during the night Continue Reading
Mom, what is labor?
Man. Home alone with 2 little boys. The contractions are 10 minutes apart. Not sure if I'm willing myself into having them or what... they are Continue Reading
Still Pregnant
How depressing is that little ticker to the right? {sigh} This is what I wanted. Well, it's not really what I want -- but honestly, when does a mom Continue Reading
At Least I Delivered SOMETHING today
For those of you who are men who read my blog and are easily offended. Skip this entry. :)I lost my mucus plug this AM. I've never lost it before. I Continue Reading
Pack Your Bags!
I have been putting off packing my bags for the hospital. Wait, make that bag. I've had patients with 3 or 4 bags. I have one, a rolling suitcase -- Continue Reading
Drawn to him
Spencer has become quite the artist lately. A few of them have been so cute I even scanned them (I know, impressive I could heave myself off the chair Continue Reading
Monday Check-Up
Just got back from a little fun at the doctor's. I was a little nervous my blood pressure would be high, but it was fairly normal, even though my feet Continue Reading
Over-doing It
I spent last night wondering if I was going to go into labor, or if water would start spewing out of my eyeballs first (for those of you wondering -- Continue Reading
Some Easter Photos
This sweater hides nothing. Yes, the ties are Easter repeats from 2 years ago. Our new tie fund went to the car. Man, I am big. Continue Reading
Yesterday at Church
Yesterday during the sacrament (which is the most sacred time during our meetings) Drew was showing the name list to Spencer. I told he and Spencer Continue Reading