Went to my doctor -- I'm 1 centimeter, and 50% effaced. Wow, all that in just over a week. Check me out. I'm not surprised. With my yoga and the Continue Reading
It Slowly Seeps into my Bloodstream
Woke-up at 4:30 this fine AM with a new stoney friend digging into my bladder, or urethra or some part that is vitally important to me, and just Continue Reading
Baby Stuff
My good friends were nice enough to throw a shower for me this morning. It was delightful to see everyone and oh, my goodness, the baby stuff is cute! Continue Reading
Pics o’ me
Someone forgot to take her camera off the high ISO, but at least it's not the same Dress you've seen before. Thanks to Drew for the Continue Reading
How OB’s try and get your hopes up
Why can't OB's be honest? It's something I've thought for a while, but as my own doctor was saying, "oh, I bet she'll come early this time " -- for Continue Reading
Recipe Reviews
The America's Test Kitchen Pan Pizza is A-mazing! If anyone wants the recipe, lemme know. It's just a great pizza dough cooked in a cake pan (9 inch) Continue Reading
Siblings Without Rivalry: The Cliff Notes — part 3
The third part is about equality. This is something I do fairly well on. I mean, I am always keeping an eye out to make sure that experiences Continue Reading
My Baby’s Going to Come out My Mouth
No, it's not that I'm throwing up that much -- it's that I'm so darn HIGH. Look at this picture -- it's all rightup there in my face. I Continue Reading
Menu Plan Monday
Three posts in one day, I know... it's impressive. It's concert week around here so I tried to make stuff as easy-shmeasy as humanly possible. Continue Reading
Breast is Best
I'd been wanting to do an entry on breastfeeding. Some of you might recall my breastfeeding story with Conner. I came home, with 2 full years of Continue Reading