Somehow that first day always gets me. I remember it didn't happen last year because things were so familiar -- but this year there was just a wave. Continue Reading
Eleven Glorious Years
While I joke that these past 11 years have been the most painful, gut-wrenching years available -- they've actually been pretty great.I was talking to Continue Reading
My pretty little pie chart
Now, I can't get my pie chart to convert into a jpeg -- but this morning as I was balancing my checkbook (and yes, I do get up early every Saturday AM Continue Reading
Doula THAT
My friend Janna had me come to her delivery (actually, she postponed the delivery until I came back from my VERY long trip). I was so lucky to be Continue Reading
A Very Special Day Indeedy-doo
Saturday was a VERY special day at our house. Conner was able to be baptized and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Continue Reading
The Grand Tetons
I have been brought up knowing that the Tetons was the hidden gem stepsister (or brother) of Yellowstone. SO many people make the drive to Yellowstone Continue Reading
Yellowstone — the facts
We stayed at the Canyon Lodge in Yellowstone. I've almost always stayed at that one (we went to Yellowstone almost yealy as a kid), and I really enjoy Continue Reading
I know that a lot of schools/teachers are getting into looping -- that means that your child would have the same teacher for two (or possibly more) Continue Reading
Fond Farewells
Today's a big day in my little life, some fond farewells....1. Last day of school. I obviously have mixed emotions of this. I am SO ready to be Continue Reading
Car Ideas
Summer is fast approaching, and once again I'm wondering if anyone has any amazing car ideas? Some of you might remember that I am anti-DVD player. Continue Reading