I have a new little baby.I'm calling him stoney.Because A) He's a stone and B) I'd like to be stoned next time I have one. :) Thanks for all your well Continue Reading
The Rolling Stones
The stone is not rolling.It's stuck in my urethra, and causing some hydronephrosis.I slept one hour last night.I will not go into further detail at Continue Reading
This week makes me tire-d.
We have been obsessed with tires as of late, apparently.On Saturday Drew and I decided it was time to finally replace the kid's bike tires. They're Continue Reading
She won, she won!
My friend Lara won, thanks to EVERYONE who helped out and voted. This is big for them, really big.Amazing what 1k can do (although, here in the land Continue Reading
Disneyland: Overview
So, we spent the last week at Disneyland. On Monday we stayed at our good friends the Haws' house (it's a tradition now, and nothing's better then Continue Reading
Rug burn
Un-named child cried for a good 1/2 hour about the rug burn he had on his bottom.no kidding.Serious.ETA: Rug burn gotten from scooting around in his Continue Reading
Tips for Young Mothers #2
Look who comes-up when you google Tips for Young Mothers and Elder Ballard.... :) That'd be me, thanks for asking. :) Although, last time I checked I Continue Reading
I just loved sustaining our new prophet this morning.The fact that each of us get to stand and perform a gesture (we just raise our hands, those of Continue Reading
For the love of tetherball
Guess who's typing from a BRAND NEW COMPUTER? I hadn't wanted to say anything, for fear it woudln't work out, but of course I got a RAGING deal on a Continue Reading
The Big Teatherball Revolt
I worked yesterday, it pretty much took me out of the land of the living, very tired when I got home due to my new cold virus friend. I think perhaps Continue Reading