A lot of Mormons homeschool. There, it's out, I've said it.I, however, am not one of them.But, yesterday for 1 hour I was considering it. You see, the Continue Reading
10 Really {gloriously} Long Years
With my kids pulling me down into the depths of despair as of late, I forgot to even do more then grumble at my husband "Happy Anniversary" Continue Reading
That Sucks
Alright, hopefully you -- my friends, have seen the last of Spencer sucking his thumb. I said I'd stop at 3, but now he's well over 3.5 and it's time Continue Reading
Me, being tagged
Summer is wearing me down, thankfully Britany tagged me, so I can have a mindless entry. :)Jobs I've had:Malt Shoppe, Provo, UTCannon Center -- in Continue Reading
A Happy Moment
Yesterday we turned-in our summer reading program sheets. The kids both met their goal of 20 books read (weird that we can turn them in this early -- Continue Reading
The Giants of San Jose
Last night, Drew's trombone group performed at the San Jose Giants. We got some comp tickets and it was pretty dang fun! The San Jose Giants, I Continue Reading
Welcome July
So, some of you might wonder about the "role reversals" on my banner. July is a rare month, in that I work almost full time, and Drew spends some Continue Reading
Sea the World
We spent 2 days at Sea World, and I am fairly sure we would've been fine with just 1. However, we all know how I hate to be rushed, so the two was Continue Reading
Thursdays with S
S is eating freeze-dried pineapple (his new favorite treat).Scene: He's making the pineapples talk to each other"Hey, where's the baby" (one Continue Reading
Conversation on way home from drop-off
Spencer: "Miss Dodson says 'hi,hi,hi,hi,hi,hi." "Miss Dodson is REALLY busy." "Everyone wants to see Miss Dodson."Me: Continue Reading