How long have you been scrapping? I have some albums that are still in the sticky pages (gasp) but since most of that his high school I am fine with Continue Reading
It is seriously not coincidental.Mid 2001: Drew is gone at some overnight thing for school. I find a mouse in the garage. For the rest of the year, Continue Reading
Do you ever forget that you and your husband are a team?I do.Drew and I are completely independent this week. He's had a lot of basketball games, I've Continue Reading
My Little Buddy
Frankly, my little buddy just aint' so little anymore. Just lately it's hitting me how big he is. First that fine African Dance performance, and now Continue Reading
Spying Thoughts of the Day
I spent some more time spying on Conner today.Again, I flipped through his composition book. I wil quote a personal favorite here:"I wish for a world Continue Reading
Tomorrow we're getting the boy's Hepatitis A shots.Does anyone else have their kids get these? Most of my friends seem to be split.I am definitely Continue Reading
Opposing Midas
You know how everything that Midas touched turned to gold. Of course, it ended-up being bad in the end, but in the beginning it was FANTASTIC.Well, I Continue Reading
Last night’s FHE
Last night we had a really nice FHE. This month we are working on article of faith #1 (We believe in God the Eternal Father, and in his son Jesus Continue Reading
Fun Times
We have had a really great break, and although it's not the break that I envisioned before Thanksgiving it had been SO nice to sit around, organize Continue Reading
New Business Idea: No-Cheat-Car-Fixers
Seriously, I am always so skeptical when we take our car to get fixed. We took the Forrester in about 18 months ago to get its Bearings fixed, 600 Continue Reading