Christmas is all down. I was sad taking down all our decorations, especially because when I put them up I was thinking of all the excitement we'd Continue Reading
Happy Birthday Mommy Dearest!!!!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!My mom's birthday is on Christmas, and although I am always sure to make sure that she gets TWO presents from us, I doubt that Continue Reading
A Complete Disaster
We had a little miscommunication last night at work. Absolutely nothing bad happened, except perhaps that the doctor lost a few moments of his Continue Reading
Behold a new crock pot meal
April's Crock-Pot YummaMy friend April gave me this recipe just the other day. After the ward party I'm ready for a day of napping, so I though it Continue Reading
Give Me a Little Credit
Some of you may have heard my woes with Wells Fargo. I took Conner in for his first Savings account, and a week later I realized that not only did we Continue Reading
Nursing School
Anyone who knows me, knows that the most horrific time in my life was nursing school (and after much reflection, yes -- I think it was worse then Continue Reading
A Favorite Halloween Memory
I thought I would share a favorite collegiate Halloween memory.I did a semester volunteering at the state mental facility. It was a really weird Continue Reading
Self Evaluation
In my time at O'COnnor hospital (which is just coming up on its 2 year mark) I have had 4 managers, well -- 2 official ones and 2 other stepping-in Continue Reading
A Simple Gesture
I had a patient on Tuesday evening (I worked post partum... don't ask). She was so sweet, it was her 3rd c-section, her 6th child and she was just Continue Reading
Funny little Fellow
Spencer is totally coming "into his own" the past few weeks. He's gaining a sense of humor, his facial expressions are getting more meaningful, and Continue Reading