Just wanted to update my peeps on a few things:Potty Training O M G... we're doing AWFUL this week. I don't think once he's initiated his own potty Continue Reading
A Word About the Post Below
I just wanted to mention that I am not going into this photography thing to become rich. I already have nursing doing that for me. Not to mention the Continue Reading
Update on past topics
Potty Training Many of you are concerned about how this is going. Besides a very nasty stint about a week ago (and the nice accident on Conner's Continue Reading
he’s at school and I’m here….
Alrighty peeps, that was WAY worse then Kindergarten. That first week, I think Kindergarten was like an hour the first day, 1:30 the next, maybe 2 Continue Reading
Thoughts from Pottyville, on day 8
Yes, my peeps things were going well... and then we spun into the unrelenting spin that is accidents. Today we are going on 4. I just found a nice Continue Reading
Remember that Time At Band Camp?
Friday officially started my days of widowhood... but it wasn't as severe because I knew the next day was Saturday and I could have a nice list of Continue Reading
Day 3
Well, it's 6:18 pm on Potty Day 3... still no accidents since day 1.Feel the joy....{waiting for the accident} {living in fear of accidents} Continue Reading
Thoughts on the Afternoon of Potty Training Day 2…
So, basically potty training, day 1.5.{this is me knocking on wood, and totally aware that whatever particular "plane" your child has reached at any Continue Reading
Potty Training in Less then a Day — Day 1
While many of my friends are having babies, I'm potty training... thought I'd give a day by day view of how things are going... so those friends, in Continue Reading
I am fairly sure I could entitle every single blog entry with this... but it seems so effective for my thoughts today.Yesterday, I was at work. We Continue Reading