I find myself, every day -- just trying to make it a little better than the day before. For instance, S has been taking a sippy cup with him in the Continue Reading
Safety FHE
So, tonight our Family Home Evening was on Safety. I split it into fire safety, earthquake safety and stranger safety. Thankfully, the Sesame Street Continue Reading
The beauty of living in CA
Alright, so we didn't rest for long after our trip. This morning we found ourselves at Home Depot picking out some new flowers for the front, and some Continue Reading
Our Big Trip
So, we started-off heading to Santa Barbara, where our friends the Haws live -- they did an awesome job of showing us around the city and making us Continue Reading
Holy Crap
Erica, the leader in all things scrap (ok, right by Shannon -- don't want to leave anyone out) tagged me to do a scrap quiz. As I smooth my pants and Continue Reading
I’m BaaaAACKK….
For the safety of our few meager posessions, I chose not to post that we were going out of town for a few days, but we did. We went to DISNEYLAND. Continue Reading
As Drew Would Say “I (referring to Drew, not to myself) Am Awesome”
I fear that Drew felt my blog was a tad one-sided... So I wanted to mention some of the sweeter things Drew does do -- using my day as an example.1) Continue Reading
Last night we had a nice little family home evening. I had a book that told the story of the original St. Valentine and how he'd taken cards to Continue Reading
Spencer is in a HUGE-MONGOUS "mine" phase as of late. PErhaps it was that he opened his toys on Friday night only to have his older brother "help" him Continue Reading
It’s All About Spencer
Although there will be a blog about my successful cake venture (although, frankly it probably won't be a true sucess til' I put the cover on, and I'm Continue Reading