Last night our family went to Bethlehem, which, thankfully is just across the street from Drew's school (thankfully). It's an amazing exhibit and I Continue Reading
Christmas Party Photos… get in the spirit (DANG IT)
Last night was the ward Christmas party, and yes... Garth G rocked it out on the drums, and Conner rocked it even harder clad as a shepherd. The Continue Reading
Back to the Nativity
I think that Joesph is a favorite of mine in the nativity. I think that most of us find ourselves in the "Joesph" situation. We are the one Continue Reading
I am a Wise Man
So, what can we learn from the Wise Men? Well, first of they read the teachings of ancient prophets, and they watched. I can read the scriptures and Continue Reading
King of the Aliens
Conner got this fancy hat at Fudrucker's last night. He's the self proclaimed "King of the Aliens" Continue Reading
Conner puked every hour last night. Told me his stomach hurt. I asked him if he felt like throwing-up. No. Did I give him something to puke in? Continue Reading
The puzzle master
Spencer and I just did the same puzzle about 10 times in 20 minutes. The kid is in LOVE with puzzles. Of course, he has frustrations, but he seems Continue Reading
My Awesome Aunt Carrie
My mom pointed me to the fact that my Aunt Carrie gave a talk at BYU's womens conference. I just listened to it, and it is about 1/2 hour long. But, Continue Reading
Wanted to give a little update on Spencer's talking, since I seem to vent about it quite a bit on this fine blog. He's just talking up a storm as of Continue Reading
Kent Called ME out… :)
No one ever wants me to answer their fancy quizes... I feel so popular Kent, thanks. :)*2 names you go by1. Hil2. Hilster (really don't respond to it Continue Reading