So, today I am thankful for my 2 boys. I'd like to have them have separate days, but I feel there is only so many days I can keep this thankful theme Continue Reading
Pilgram’s Pride
Ok, just a little "life" post -- Today Conner had his Thanksgiving feast. Again, his teacher is INSANELY great. She rocks. check her out in her Continue Reading
With a Thankful Heart
Taking a page from Sophia's blog, I've decided to put a stop to my sarcastic viewpoints of this life I'm living and have a thankful heart for this Continue Reading
I was reading my friend, Allison's blog, and she was talking about going home for Thanksgiving and now I'm just sad. We truly do try and maintain the Continue Reading
A crying day
From the moment I got Spencer up and until we left Conner's school Spencer was in a mood. And as we were driving to school with him pouting in the Continue Reading
I Do Nothing
Today while making breakfast, Conner told me to "get more bread" and I said I was making breakfast and I'd get it as soon as I could, "did it look Continue Reading
I Voted
I took Spencer with me to vote and I told Conner all about it before we went.... Just wanted to remind everyone to vote and how important it is that Continue Reading
Ok, for my cool friends that don't know. Fasting is when you go without 2 meals. We Mormons do it once a month -- on the first Sunday of the month. Continue Reading
A Child Like This
This is Conner's Kindergarten picture. I went through great turmoil trying to decide if I wanted to spend the 20-30 bucks to get them. But, I'm glad I Continue Reading
The Haloween that never ends…
Conner decided he wanted to the "green monster" this year, and perhance we ALSO had a blue monster costume that fit Spencer. I have decided that there Continue Reading