So, my mom and dad are here this week. My kids can't get enough of them -- Spencer OR Conner. Last night we took priceless pictures of them with each Continue Reading
This kid’s got talent!
This is Conner at the church talent show. It's not that great of a photo, but I am SO proud of him. He said a 4 line poem entitled "peckin" by Shel Continue Reading
Do you believe in miracles?
Ok, so it's not really a miracle, but kinda. So, Sunday I had a cold, I was recovering, feeling fairly fine, cleaned my house, blew my nose a bit and Continue Reading
It;s difficult coming home
So, after our fabulous child-free jaunt we came home to visit with friends. Part of the Chan fam just happened to be in town and we were so happy to Continue Reading
I’m BaaAAack…
Ok, now I chose this picture out of the possible 150 that I took (many of this particular pose, probably about 30 in 1 minute) because THIS is why we Continue Reading
Ok, so by the way... the Mormon church is the SMALLEST world ever. If you know someone... you're bound to know someone else. Especially when you Continue Reading
The final piece…
So, here it is -- the final cake. I think as I step back and remember that he is ONLY 5, and not the President I feel like it's fine. I know... the Continue Reading
Cake update
Ok, after a little help from my mom, I realized it's about the day, and our special boy, not my cake skills (and believe me, for me -- the cake skills Continue Reading
My big boy
No more baby for Conner. I think 5's a real turning point. He's reading, he's writing, he's learning, and even today he told me he's creating! He's Continue Reading
Ok, I would probably rather have the baby again than make him a birthday cake. I think the particularly saddest part of all of this is that I worked Continue Reading