Pregnancy can be a long battle with submitted our will's to both the baby's and mother nature. What can you learn from that experience that will help Continue Reading
Using a Direct Primary Care Membership with Dr Bradley Shumway – Episode 086
Using a direct primary care membership changes how you utilize healthcare. It can help you manager your health better and it can reduce your overall Continue Reading
How Stress at Delivery Can Affect Your Baby – Episode 085
Being stressed out at delivery has complications you may not be considering right now. Let's talk about pain management options that allow you to be Continue Reading
What does a Church of Jesus Christ Missionary Do All Day? — Bonus Easter Episode with Sister Pope
You might have had them knock on your door, or you've seen them in the grocery store or on the streets. What do missionaries of The Church of Jesus Continue Reading
Pornography Addiction in Adults with Stephen Moore from The PBSE Podcast – Episode 84
Today we're extending our talk about pornography use in adults. Is it OK for use in a marriage, and how can couples understand if it is a Continue Reading
Kitchen Redesign – Episode 083
Re-doing a kitchen takes a lot of time, money and attention -- not to mention all the inconvenience of being without a kitchen can cause. How do you Continue Reading
Epidural During Labor: The risks, benefits, alternatives and procedures
Epidurals during labor are a hot topic. This post is going to talk about the meaning, risks, if it hurts, side effects (both in labor & Continue Reading
Things to Know About Your Prenatal Care & Health History – Episode 082
Knowing what is happening during your prenatal care is so important. So often patients let their doctor control that information, so knowing what you Continue Reading
Dyson V11 Animal+ Cordless Stick Vacuum Review
I'd wondered if the Dyson name was worth it for so long. After three vacuums broke simultaneously at our house, we decided to take the Dyson plunge Continue Reading
Sunscreen Safety with Samantha Radford from Evidence-Based Mommy – Episode 081
Using the wrong type of sunscreen can seep into the pores of your sweet little children and hurt them long term. What are the RIGHT types of Continue Reading