Organizing can be REALLY hard. This episode is going to talk about WHY its' hard so we can acknowledge it and move on. This post is inspired Continue Reading
Staying Safe at Disney After Quarantine
Can't wait to get back to visit the mouse? Me either. But, staying safe at Disneyland after the Covid closure is probably a priority as well. Let's Continue Reading
Getting Teens to Read with Author Bryce Moore — PCP 045
Elementary aged kids LOVE to read, but that love seems to wane as our kids get older. How do we get teenagers to read, and what are some good books Continue Reading
Anxiety during Pregnancy with Cami Moss from Real Connections — PCP 044
Anxiety is something a lot of pregnant moms experience all of the time, but especially right now. Let's talk about how normal it is and how to deal Continue Reading
Handling Unemployment in Marriage— PCP 043
Today we are talking about our experience with unemployment and handling it as a couple. In 2011 we were both given pink slips, I ultimately got my Continue Reading
Teen Summer Reading Bingo
Looking to get your teens & tweens to read more this summer? This summer reading bingo is going to help them read more varied books when they are Continue Reading
Motivation to Organize or Clean — PCP 042
Motivation can be hard to get and hold onto. How can you GET motivated and get GOING on the things you want to make a change with? This post Continue Reading
How to choose a prenatal class that fits what you need.
Choosing a prenatal class can be difficult. Finding one that fits what you need can feel overwhelming, but I am here to tell you that there are easy Continue Reading
Kids During the Summer with Lara Neves from Overstuffed — PCP 041
What are some tips and tricks for managing kids during the summer? How do you manage snacks, free time and more! Continue Reading
Epidurals: Your Questions Answered — PCP 040
I asked for questions on my social media, and got some great ones to answer for you today! Be sure to find out the answer to my #1 question on Continue Reading