I think we often say "I should just organize that" -- but I don't think we give ourselves enough credit for how difficult organizing can be. There Continue Reading
What to do if your Hospital Birthing Class was Cancelled
These types of classes go by many names -- Prenatal, Hospital, birth classes. The reality is that in-person classes are cancelled for a while. We Continue Reading
Getting Kids to Clean with Katelyn Fagan from What’s Up Fagans — PCP 033
Today we're talking about getting your kids to pitch-in and clean! I think we all think (when our kids are babies) that our kids will be great at Continue Reading
No-Fuss Corona Virus Schedule
Kids are home due to the Covid-19 Virus. You're feeling ALL out of wack because you're not prepared or ready for ALL of this family time. How do you Continue Reading
Corona Virus & Pregnancy
STOP. THE. MADNESS. Let's talk in a really upfront way about Corona Virus and Pregnancy. We'll cover the risks to pregnant women, how to prevent if Continue Reading
12 Things to do For Positive Self Care During Corona Virus Social Distancing
Guys, is it just me? I am nervous about spending a week or more home with my kids with very little social interaction for ANY of us. Anyway, I Continue Reading
Healthier Family Meals with Becca Ludlum from My Crazy Good Life — PCP 032
Today we're talking about making family dinner a bit healthier, plus getting kids to still eat it. We know it's a lot harder than it sounds, so let's Continue Reading
Over the Counter Medicines — Respiratory
Maybe you read last week's entry about my organized medicine cabinet (it was fascinating, no?) but while I was writing it, I thought people might want Continue Reading
Shaving During Pregnancy — PCP 031
Shaving during pregnancy is a HOT topic that no one wants to talk about (funny how that happens). Today we're talking shaving, waxing and creams to Continue Reading
Parenting Through Stillbirth with Winter Redd — PCP 030
Today we're talking about parenting through the hard things. Stillbirth is a heavy weight to carry but it can be even harder when you have another Continue Reading