Keeping a house can be OVERWHELMING. Especially when you have small children. Today we're talking about what to do when you get that sinking feeling Continue Reading
What You REALLY Need to Do to Have a Healthy Pregnancy & Breastfeed
There is a firm foundation about what you should be doing to have a healthy pregnancy & breastfeed. Stop paying attention to gimics and ideas Continue Reading
Pain Management Options in Labor?
An epidural block isn't your only analgesic or anesthetic option during childbirth. You can obtain relief for a vaginal delivery with both Continue Reading
The Marathon of Motherhood with Joan Kimmel — PCP 028
Motherhood is long. A long, long time and it can be overwhelming to think of the whole spectrum, but I also think it's really important that we do Continue Reading
How to Say No in Labor with Mandy Irby — PCP 027
HOW do you say no as a patient, when can you say no and how does it all work. We want to be sure that you UNDERSTAND that you can say no at any time Continue Reading
How to Declutter Shoes
Decluttering shes can be a confusing process. Adults and kids alike can use these six questions to make their shoe closet a little easier to find the Continue Reading
Organizing for Family Trips with Kim Fidler from Get Away Today— PCP 026
Getting organized for a family trip is often so overwhelming that parents can't get over it and relax on that trip (btw, a get away with kids is a Continue Reading
Learning to Let Go As a Parent
This is the hardest. thing. as a parent. Learning to let go as a parent is one of the most important things you can do, but you also need to keep Continue Reading
What to Bring to Disneyland: Theme Park Walking Pharmacy
Today, we're going to talk about what to bring to Disneyland. This includes my walking pharmacy that goes almost everywhere with us. Of Continue Reading
Where to Start Organizing? — PCP 025
The #1 question I get from participants in my 5 Word Challenge is WHERE TO START? In today's episode, I am sharing a few ideas on where to start and Continue Reading