Taking an online course on birthing is a very smart move. But, how to pick the best one? What are some things to look for in a childbirth class? Continue Reading
Make A Cricut Infusible Ink Swim Tote Bag & Mandala Coaster
Cricut infusible ink is so versatile, today I am going to make a swim tote bag and a Mandala coaster. You're going to be impressed with the Continue Reading
Things to Do Before Having a Baby with Katie Clark from Clarks Condensed — PCP Episode 005
Today we're untangling the MESS of things you need to do before you have the baby! We'll talk about important things to have, and do. As well as how Continue Reading
How to Focus on Homework: Learn the skills of focused studying.
Homework is a nightly ritual that some kids have the hardest time with. In this post, I'm going to share six tips for focusing on homework or Continue Reading
Kitchen Organization — PCP Episode 004
Let's untangle kitchen organization today! I'm going to share the BEST way to set-up your kitchen, to give you a framework of putting stuff Continue Reading
Family disney travel for control freaks (dads with umbrella strollers)
I had a spring in my step. We were walking to Disney from our hotel and I could not WAIT to get there. Mickey and the gang awaited my Continue Reading
Children Spacing with Bonnie Wiscombe from Outnumbered — PCP Episode 003
Let's talk the pro's & con's about having kids close & far apart. Today, my special guest is Bonnie Wiscombe -- a friend of mine, who I Continue Reading
Things to do in San Francisco with Kids: The Best of the Bay Area for Families on a Budget
San Francisco with Kids: We moved to the Bay Area in 2001. There is TONS of cool San Francisco family fun, if you look in the right places (and Continue Reading
Cricut Infusible Ink Brings Personalization to a New {Permenant} Level
When I first Cricut's infusible ink I was just SO excited. The idea of a PERMANENT solution to the personalization is SO exciting. I had a couple of Continue Reading
Best Tip for Family Travel – PCP Episode 002
Let's talk about my BEST tip for family travel. Is it what to pack, or what kind of transportation? I'll also share what goes on in my own head as I Continue Reading